




Viku: Vocabulary
nusa    abdomen   x1 is a/the abdomen/belly/lower trunk [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: midsection] 
lanusa    able   x1 is able to do/be/capable of doing/being x2 (event/state) under conditions x3 (event/state) 
ika    above   x1 is directly/vertically above/upwards-from x2 in gravity/frame of reference x3 
kipavi    abstract   x1 (si'o) is abstracted/generalized/idealized from x2 [something concrete] by rules x3 
unitu    accidental   x1 (event/state) is an accident/unintentional on the part of x2; x1 is an accident 
ana    account   "x1 is an account/bill/invoice for goods/services x2, billed to x3 by x4" 
una    acid   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of acid of composition x2; (adjective:) x1 is acidic 
pukavi    acre   "x1 is x2 local area unit(s) non-metric by standard x3, x4 subunits" 
vatusi    across   x1 is located across/on the other side of gap/boundary x2 from x3; x1 is opposite (fi) x3 
akitu    act   x1 is a volitional entity employing means/taking action x2 for purpose/goal x3/to end x3 
nisasi    add   "x1 adds/combines x2 to/with x3, with result x4; x1 augments x2 by amount x3" 
tiviku    address   x1 is an address of/are coordinates of x2 in system x3 
isa    adjacent   x1 is adjacent/beside/next to/in contact with x2 in property/sequence x3 in direction x4 
nivi    adjust   x1 (event) adjusts/regulates/changes x2 (ka/ni) in amount/degree x3 
kavi    adorn   x1 (object) adorns/decorates x2; x1 is an adornment/decoration of x2; x2 is fancy/decorated 
ini    affair   x1 is an affair/organized activity involving person(s) x2 (ind./mass); x1 is x2's business 
pisu    affix   "x1 is an affix/suffix/prefix/combining-form for word/concept x2, form/properties x3, language x4" 
tavisi    agree   x1 [person] agrees with person(s)/position/side x2 that x3 (du'u) is true about matter x4 
punita    airplane   "x1 is an airplane/aircraft [flying vehicle] for carrying passengers/cargo x2, propelled by x3" 
piva    alcohol   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of alcohol of type x2 from source/process x3 
anavu    alien   x1 is alien/foreign/[exotic]/unfamiliar to x2 in property x3 (ka) 
vuvupi    alkali   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of alkali/base of composition including x2 
luta    alternation   "x1 is a logical alternation/disjunction, stating that x2 (du'u) and/or x3 (du'u) is/are true" 
itaki    amphibian   x1 is an amphibian of species/breed x2 
lipitu    amusing   x1 (abstract) is amusing/entertaining to x2 in property/aspect x3; x3 is what amuses x2 about x1 
nukupu    analyze   x1 analyzes/examines-in-detail x2 by method/technique/system x3 [process/activity] 
ata    angle   x1 is an angle [2-dimensional shape/form] from vertex x2 subtended by lateral [segment] x3 
uvulu    angry   x1 is angry/mad at x2 for x3 (action/state/property) 
pusupu    anguish   x1 is anguished/distressed/emotionally wrought/stressed by x2 
ila    annoy   x1 (event) annoys/irritates/bothers/distracts x2 
ivisa    answer   x1 is the answer/response/solution/[reply] to question/problem x2 
kisupu    anus   "x1 is a/the anus/anal orifice/asshole/arsehole [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: exit, waste exit]" 
uvi    apart   "x1 is apart/separate from x2, separated by partition/wall/gap/interval/separating medium x3" 
kisa    apparatus   x1 is apparatus/mechanism/device/equipment for function x2 controlled/[triggered] by x3 (agent) 
ala    apple   x1 is an apple [fruit] of species/strain x2 
isati    approve   x1 approves of/gives favor to plan/action x2 (object/event) 
lisi    arch   x1 arches/curves over/around x2 and is made of x3; x1 is an arch over/around x2 of material x3 
ninasu    argue   x1 argues for stand x2 against stand x3; [an opponent is not necessary] 
upuni    argument   x1 is a/the argument of predicate/function x2 filling place x3 (kind/number) 
ita    arm   x1 is a/the arm [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: branch with strength] 
nata    army   x1 (mass) is an army serving group/community x2 (mass) in function x3 (activity) 
kuvasi    art   x1 (process) is an art [creative application] of craft/skill x2 (idea/activity) 
vuvapi    article   x1 is an article/descriptor labelling description x2 (text) in language x3 with semantics x4 
palika    artifact   x1 is an artifact; x1 is artificial; x1 is made/caused by people/se kulnu x2; x1 is man-made 
navisu    ashamed   x1 feels ashamed/mortified/humiliated under conditions x2 before community/audience x3 
ani    assert   x1 (agent) asserts/claims/declares x2 (du'u) is true [can be used for epistemology of authority] 
tipa    assume   x1 assumes/supposes that x2 (du'u) is true about subject x3; [epistemology] 
nivuvi    at   x1 (object/event) is at/attending/present at x2 (event/location) 
ipa    atom   x1 is an atom of element/atomic number x2 of isotope number/atomic weight x3 
sitivi    attack   x1 (person/mass) attacks/invades/commits aggression upon victim x2 with goal/objective x3 
iki    attentive   x1 is attentive towards/attends/tends/pays attention to object/affair x2 
avani    attract   x1 attracts/appeals to/lures x2 (person/event) with property/quality x3 (ka) 
tulupa    audacity   x1 shows audacity/chutzpah in behavior x2 (event/activity); x1 dares to do/be x2 (event/ka) 
uka    aunt or uncle   x1 is an aunt/uncle of x2 by bond/tie x3; x1 is an associated member of x2's parent's generation 
kasu    authority   x1 has authority/is an official in/on/over matter/sphere/persons x2 derived on basis x3 
tupivu    automatic   x1 is automatic in function x2 under conditions x3 
lita    autumn   x1 is autumn/fall [harvest/cooling season] of year x2 at location x3 
ulupu    avoid   x1 avoids/evades/shuns/escapes/skirts [fate] x2 (event) through action/state x3 (event) 
isi    awake   (adjective:) x1 is awake/alert/conscious 
atuti    bad   x1 is bad for x2 by standard x3; x1 is poor/unacceptable to x2 
latasa    balance   x1 is in balance/equilibrium under forces x2 (mass) 
pusi    balcony   x1 is a balcony/overhang/ledge/shelf of building/structure x2 
sati    ball   x1 is a ball/sphere/orb/globe [shape/form] of material x2; x1 is a spherical object [made of x2] 
uku    banana   x1 is a banana/plantain [fruit/plant] of species/breed x2 
ina    bank   x1 is a bank owned by/in banking system x2 for banking function(s) x3 (event) 
tavi    bar   x1 is a tavern/bar/pub serving x2 to audience/patrons x3 
usi    bare   x1 is bare/naked/nude; x1 is without cover/clothes/[protection] 
titu    barley   x1 is a quantity of barley [grain] of species/strain x2 
kapila    basis   x1 is a basis/foundation/underlying or fundamental principle of x2; x1 is at the bottom of x2 
usiti    basket   "x1 is a basket with contents x2, woven from material x3" 
tapuki    bay   x1 is a bay in/of coast/shoreline x2 
sulalu    bead   x1 is a bead/pebble [shape/form] of material x2 
vusuka    bean   x1 is a bean/pea/leguminous seed from plant [legume] x2 
lutu    beautiful   x1 is beautiful/pleasant to x2 in aspect x3 (ka) by aesthetic standard x4 
alu    become   x1 becomes/changes/converts/transforms into x2 under conditions x3 
ilitu    bed   x1 is a bed/pallet of material x2 for holding/supporting x3 (person/object/event) 
isisi    beer   x1 is made of/contains/is a amount of beer/ale/brew brewed from x2 
pukaka    beg   x1 begs/pleads/supplicates/entreats/implores/beseeches/prays [asks with humility] x2 for x3 
akuta    behave   x1 behaves/conducts oneself as/in-manner x2 (event/property) under conditions x3 
savusi    behind   x1 is posterior/behind/back/in the rear of x2 which faces/in-frame-of-reference x3 
sulu    believe   x1 believes [without evidence/proof] belief/creed x2 (du'u) is true/assumed about subject x3 
ilili    bell   x1 is a bell/chime/[tuning fork] [tuned percussion instrument] producing sound/note x2 
aniti    beneath   x1 is directly/vertically beneath/below/under/underneath/down from x2 in frame of reference x3 
pata    bent   (adjective:) x1 is bent/crooked/not straight or direct/[twisted]/folded 
usu    berry   x1 is a berry (fruit/plant) of plant/species x2 
alinu    between   x1 is between/among set of points/bounds/limits x2 (set)/amidst mass x2 in property x3 (ka) 
lavi    beyond   x1 exceeds/is beyond limit/boundary x2 from x3 in property/amount x4 (ka/ni) 
upapi    big   x1 is big/large in property/dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm x3 
pupavi    bird   x1 is a bird of species/breed x2 
vutu    bite   x1 bites/pinches x2 on/at specific locus x3 with x4 
sipavi    bitter   x1 is bitter/acrid/sharply disagreeable to observer/sense x2 
sipisa    black   x1 is black/extremely dark-colored [color adjective] 
vulasa    blade   x1 is a blade of tool/weapon x2 
uli    block   "x1 is a block [3-dimensional shape/form] of material x2, surfaces/sides x3" 
nakivi    blood   x1 is blood/vital fluid of organism x2 
iluvi    blue   x1 is blue [color adjective] 
ipapu    board   x1 is a board/plank [3-dimensional long flat rectangle] of material x2 
silina    boat   "x1 is a boat/ship/vessel [vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3" 
alalu    body   x1 is a/the body/corpus/corpse of x2; (adjective:) x1 is corporal/corporeal 
uta    body   x1 is a/the body/corpus/corpse of x2; (adjective:) x1 is corporal/corporeal 
utu    boil   x1 boils/evaporates at temperature x2 and pressure x3 
lasa    bomb   x1 is a bomb/explosive device with explosive material/principle x2 
kusi    bone   "x1 is a/the bone/ivory [body-part], performing function x2 in body of x3; [metaphor: calcium]" 
univu    book   x1 is a book containing work x2 by author x3 for audience x4 preserved in medium x5 
lisu    born   x1 is born to x2 at time x3 [birthday] and place x4 [birthplace]; x1 is native to (fo) x4 
alipi    borrow   x1 (agent) borrows/temporarily takes/assumes x2 (object) from source x3 for interval x4 
viki    bottle   "x1 is a bottle/jar/urn/flask/closable container for x2, made of material x3 with lid x4" 
sasili    bovine   x1 is a cow/cattle/kine/ox/[bull/steer/calf] [beef-producer/bovine] of species/breed x2 
putu    box   "x1 is a box/carton/trunk/crate for contents x2, and made of material x3" 
unu    boy   x1 is a boy/lad [young male person] of age x2 immature by standard x3 
ulu    brain   "x1 is a/the brain [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: intelligence, mental control]" 
upinu    brake   x1 brakes/causes to slow motion/activity x2 with device/mechanism/principle x3 
usana    branch   x1 is a branch/bough/limb of x2; x2 forks into branches x1; [preferred over metaphorical birka] 
inu    brass   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of brass [copper/zinc alloy] of composition including x2 
uni    brave   x1 is brave/valiant/courageous in activity x2 (event) by standard x3 
ipiti    bread   x1 is a quantity of/contains bread [leavened or unleavened] made from grains x2 
apipu    break   x1 breaks/fractures/shatters/[splits/splinters/cracks] into pieces x2 
unuti    breast   x1 is a/the breast/mammary/teat [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: projection providing liquid] 
napisa    breathe   x1 breathes/respires x2 [gas] 
vavila    breeze   x1 is a breeze/wind/gale from direction x2 with speed x3; x1 blows from x2 
upa    bridge   "x1 is a bridge/span over/across x2 between x3 and x4 [unordered, typically destination first]" 
ipi    broad   x1 is broad/wide in dimension x2 [2nd most significant dimension] by standard x3 
lipiva    broken   x1 is broken/inoperable/broken down/non-utile/not usable for function x2 
utasi    bronze   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of bronze of composition including x2 
isuti    brow   x1 is a/the brow/forehead [projecting flat/smooth head/body-part] of x2 
tani    brown   x1 is brown/tan [color adjective] 
vutinu    brush   x1 is a brush for purpose x2 (event) with bristles x3 
api    bucket   "x1 is a bucket/pail/can/deep, solid, wide-topped container of contents x2, made of material x3" 
tunasu    buckwheat   x1 is a quantity of buckwheat/rhubarb/sorrel grass of species/strain x2 
upi    building   x1 is a building/edifice for purpose x2 
navi    bulb   "x1 is a bulb [body-part] of plant/species x2; [metaphor: rounded, bulgy]" 
ilu    bundle   "x1 is a bundle/package/cluster/clump/pack [shape/form] containing x2, held together by x3" 
kuka    burn   x1 burns/[ignites/is flammable/inflammable] at temperature x2 in atmosphere x3 
nilivi    butter   x1 is a quantity of/contains butter/oleo/margarine/shortening from source x2 
sisavi    buttock   "x1 is a/the buttock(s)/arse/rear/seat [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: rounded surface, support]" 
pulu    button   "x1 is a button/knob/[handle] on/for item x2, with purpose x3, made of material x4" 
unati    cabbage   x1 is a quantity of cabbage/lettuce/leafy vegetable of species/strain x2 
kata    cabin   x1 is a cabin of vehicle x2 
ukuna    calculate   x1 calculates/reckons/computes x2 [value (ni)/state] from data x3 by process x4 
nalivi    camera   x1 is a camera/photographic equipment recording illumination type x2 images to medium x3 
vivu    camp   x1 is a camp/encampment/temporary residence of x2 at location x3 
anusi    can   "x1 is a can/tightly sealed/pre-sealed container for perishable contents x2, made of x3" 
pikuti    canal   x1 is a canal/channel to x2 from x3 with route x4 
isuvi    cancer   x1 is a cancer [malignant disease] in x2 
ikini    cap   x1 is a cap/hat/crown/helmet/piece of headgear [head-top garment] of material x2 
vutatu    captain   x1 is captain/commander/leader/in-charge/boss of vehicle/domain x2 
napaki    capture   x1 captures/catches/apprehends/seizes/nabs x2 with trap/restraint x3 
nutasi    car   "x1 is a car/automobile/truck/van [a wheeled motor vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3" 
kusipa    carbon   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of carbon/graphite/[diamond]/charcoal; x1 is organic 
sulasu    card   "x1 is a card [small nearly-2-dimensional shape/form] of material x2, shape x3" 
aniva    carry   x1 carries/hauls/bears/transports cargo x2 to x3 from x4 over path x5; x1 is a carrier/[porter] 
latapa    cart   "x1 is a cart/carriage/wagon [wheeled vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3" 
unipi    cassava   x1 is a quantity of cassava/taro/manioc/tapioca/yam [edible starchy root] of species/strain x2 
patiki    cat   x1 is a cat/[puss/pussy/kitten] [feline animal] of species/breed x2; (adjective:) x1 is feline 
luvala    cause   x1 (event/state) effects/physically causes effect x2 (event/state) under conditions x3 
iva    cavity   x1 is a cavity/hole/hollow/cavern in x2; x1 is concave within x2; x2 is hollow at locus x1 
tisiki    cease   x1 [agent] ceases/stops/halts/ends activity/process/state x2 [not necessarily completing it] 
asa    celebrate   x1 celebrates/recognizes/honors x2 (event/abstract) with activity/[party] x3 
puvi    cell   "x1 is a cell/atom/unit/molecule of x2; x1 is an indivisible, most basic subunit of x2" 
inupu    cent   "x1 is measured in kopeck/cent money-subunits as x2 [quantity], in monetary system x3" 
uva    ceramic   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of ceramic made by x2, of composition x3, in form/shape x4" 
taka    certain   x1 is certain/sure/positive/convinced that x2 is true 
ikapa    chain   x1 is a length of chain/links of material x2 with link properties x3 
sala    chair   "x1 is a chair/stool/seat/bench, a piece or portion of a piece of furniture intended for sitting" 
likala    chalk   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of chalk from source x2 in form x3 
apusi    challenge   x1 (person) challenges x2 at/in property x3 
kilu    chaotic   x1 is chaotic/disordered in property/aspect x2 (ka) 
kikala    chart   x1 is a chart/diagram/map of/about x2 showing formation/data-points x3 
lutuka    chase   x1 chases/pursues/(physically) follows after x2; volition is not implied for x1 or x2 
isutu    cheese   x1 is a quantity of/contains cheese/curd from source x2 
navu    chemical   x1 is an instance of substance/chemical/drug x2 (individual or mass) with purity x3 
sini    chest   x1 is a/the chest/thorax/upper trunk/[rib cage/breast] [body-part] of x2 
lutupi    child   "x1 is a child/kid/juvenile [a young person] of age x2, immature by standard x3" 
luvata    chlorine   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of halogen of type x2 [chlorine, fluorine, iodine, etc.]" 
tiniva    choose   x1 chooses/selects x2 [choice] from set/sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set) 
ivapi    chrome   "x1 is a highly reflective/polished non-tarnishing metallic surface, of metal x2 [often chromium]" 
upu    cigar   x1 is a cigar/cigarette/cigarillo made from tobacco/smokable substance x2 by x3 
lutusa    cinema   "x1 is a cinema/movie/film about x2 [plot/theme/subject/activity], filmmaker x3, for audience x4" 
panasu    cite   x1 cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source x2 for information/statement x3 (du'u) 
pasi    citrus   "x1 is a quantity of citrus [fruit/tree, etc.] of species/strain x2" 
kilupu    city   "x1 is a town/city of metropolitan area x2, in political unit x3, serving hinterland/region x4" 
lusi    class   x1 (mass/si'o) is a class/category/subgroup/subset within x2 with defining property x3 (ka) 
navava    claw   "x1 is a/the claw/nail/talon [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: pointed, penetrating, physical weapon]" 
anu    clay   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of clay [moist, clammy dirt] of composition including x2" 
kakutu    clean   x1 (object) is clean/pure of material/contaminant/dirt x2 by standard x3 
satalu    clear   x1 (object/medium) is clear/transparent/without obstacle to in-the-clear x2 [transmission] 
atu    climb   x1 climbs/clambers/creeps/crawls on surface x2 in direction x3 using x4 [limbs/tools] 
vipa    clock   x1 is clock/watch/timer measuring time units x2 to precision x3 with timing mechanism/method x4 
situvu    closed   "x1 (portal/passage/entrance-way) is closed/shut/not open, preventing passage/access to x2 by x3" 
asi    cloth   x1 is an amount of cloth/fabric of type/material x2 
asasi    cloud   x1 is a cloud of material x2 in air mass x3 at floor/base elevation x4 
tulasi    clumsy   x1 (action) is clumsy/awkward by standard x2 
apa    coal   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of coal/peat/anthracite/bituminous from source x2 
ukili    coat   x1 is a coat/jacket/sweater/cloak/[cape/shawl/pullover] [extra outer garment] of material x2 
asuta    cockroach   x1 is a cockroach/[orthopteran/termite] of order/species/breed x2 
uki    code   x1 is encoded/cipher text of plain-text x2 by code/coding system x3; x1 is in code; x3 is a code 
vula    coffee   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of coffee from source/bean/grain x2 
navipa    coin   x1 is a coin/token/is specie issued by x2 having value x3 of composition including x4 
lituki    cold   x1 is cold/cool by standard x2 
vuku    collar   x1 is a collar/ring/belt/band around/surrounding x2 made of material x3 
itu    collide   x1 collides with/crashes/bumps/runs into x2 
ati    column   x1 is a column/pillar of material x2 
kuvuni    comb   x1 is a comb [many-needled shape] of material x2 with tines/needles x3 
latu    come   x1 comes/goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means/vehicle x5 
tatiku    comfort   x1 feels comfort/is comfortable with conditions/environmental property(ies) x2 
aliti    command   x1 issues commands/orders to x2 for result x3 (event/state) to happen; x3 is commanded to occur 
tanipu    comment   x1 (text) is a comment/remark/observation about subject x2 expressed by x3 to audience x4 
tavava    committee   x1 (mass) is a committee with task/purpose x2 of body x3 
avipa    common   x1 (property - ka) is common/general/universal among members of set x2 (complete set) 
aluni    community   x1 is a community/colony of organisms x2 
iku    company   x1 is a company/corporation/firm/partnership chartered by authority x2 for purpose x3 
napa    compare   "x1 [observer] compares x2 with x3 in property x4 (ka), determining comparison x5 (state)" 
asu    compete   x1 competes/vies with opponent x2 in contest/competition x3 (event) for gain x4; x1 rivals x2 
vasu    complete   x1 (event) is complete/done/finished; x1 (object) has become whole in property x2 by standard x3 
pila    complicated   x1 is complex/complicated/involved in aspect/property x2 (ka) by standard x3 
talula    computer   x1 is a computer for purpose x2 
isipi    condense   "x1 condenses/liquefies on/into x2 at temperature x3, pressure x4; x1 is dew/condensate on x2" 
ututi    cone   x1 is a cone [shape/form] of material x2 with vertex x3 
nuvata    confusing   x1 (event/state) confuses/baffles x2 [observer] due to [confusing] property x3 (ka) 
tali    conifer   x1 is a conifer/pine/fir of species/strain x2 with cones x3 
tukusa    conjunction   "x1 is a conjunction, stating that x2 (du'u) and x3 (du'u) are both true" 
utupa    conscious   x1 is conscious/aware of x2 (object/abstract); x1 discerns/recognizes x2 (object/abstract) 
lunali    constant   x1 is constant/invariant/unchanging in property x2 (ka) in response to stimulus/conditions x3 
sitati    contain   x1 contains/holds/encloses/includes contents x2 within; x1 is a vessel containing x2 
kapi    continue   x1 (event/state) continues/persists over interval x2; x1 (property - ka) is continuous over x2 
atanu    control   x1 has control over/harnesses/manages/directs/conducts x2 in x3 (activity/event/performance) 
unapu    cook   x1 cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2 by recipe/method x3 (process) 
nasu    copper   "x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of copper (Cu); [metaphor: reddish, electrical conductor]" 
nalatu    copulate   x1 copulates/fucks/mates/has coitus/sexual intercourse with x2 
aki    copy   x1 is a copy/replica/duplicate/clone of x2 in form/medium x3 made by method x4 (event) 
vilu    cord   x1 is cord/cable/rope/line/twine/cordage/woven strands of material x2 
vataka    cork   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of cork/bark from tree/species x2; [material] 
atusu    corner   "x1 is a corner/point/at-least-3-dimensional [solid] angle [shape/form] in/on x2, of material x3" 
unili    correct   x1 is correct/proper/right/perfect in property/aspect x2 (ka) in situation x3 by standard x4 
inavi    costly   x1 (object/commodity/property/event) is costly/expensive/dear to x2 by standard x3 
nupiki    cotton   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of cotton [type of fabric/material] 
apuki    cough   x1 coughs/farts/burps up/out x2 [predominantly gaseous] from orifice x3 
upata    count   x1 (agent) counts the number in set x2 to be x3 [number/count] counting [off] by units x4 
nukupi    country   x1 is the country of peoples x2 with land/territory x3; (people/territory relationship) 
vivaki    cousin   "x1 is cousin to x2 by bond/tie x3; [non-immediate family member, default same generation]" 
nasita    cover   x1 is a cover/[lid/top] for covering/concealing/sheltering x2 
napasi    crack   x1 is a crack/fissure/pass/cleft/ravine/chasm/[defect/flaw] [shape/form] in x2 
lakanu    crazy   x1 (action/event) is crazy/insane/mad/frantic/in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2 
ivuku    cream   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of cream/emulsion/puree [consistency] of composition x2 
supuni    crew   x1 is a crew/team/gang/squad/band of persons x2 directed/led by x3 organized for purpose x4 
avi    crime   x1 (event/state) is a punishable crime/[taboo/sin] to people/culture/judges/jury x2 
itasu    cruel   x1 (person) is cruel/mean/unkind to victim x2 
avunu    crust   x1 is a crust/rind/peel/skin/hide/outer cover of x2 
atiti    cry out   x1 cries out/yells/howls sound x2; x1 is a crier 
ili    crystal   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of crystal of composition x2 in form/arrangement x3 
anupu    cube   "x1 is a cube/regular polyhedron/polygon of dimensions x2 (def. 3), surfaces/sides x3 (def. 6)" 
ipu    cubit   "x1 is x2 (default 1) short local distance unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, x4 subunits" 
nukaka    culture   "x1 [mass of ideas, customs, skills, arts] is culture of nation/ethos x2 (mass); x1 is ethnic" 
alisu    cup   "x1 is a cup/glass/tumbler/mug/vessel/[bowl] containing contents x2, and of material x3" 
vusi    curious   x1 is curious/wonders about/is interested in/[inquisitive about] x2 (object/abstract) 
aputi    curse   x1 curses/damns/condemns x2 to fate (event) x3 
ikisa    curtain   "x1 is a curtain/blinds/drapes for covering/obscuring aperture x2, and made of material x3" 
utipa    curve   "x1 is a curve/turn/bend in x2, at locus x3, and defined by set of points/properties x4" 
isuva    cushion   x1 cushions x2 with material x3; x1 is a cushion/pillow/pad [for x2] of padding material x3 
isuki    custom   x1 is a custom/habit/[ritual/rut] of x2 under conditions x3 
isana    cut   x1 (tool/blade/force) cuts [through]/splits/divides x2 (object) into pieces x3 
vivupa    cyan   x1 is cyan/turquoise/greenish-blue [color adjective] 
luti    cylinder   x1 is a cylinder [shape/form] of material x2 
kipi    dance   "x1 (individual, mass) dances to accompaniment/music/rhythm x2" 
akiku    dark   x1 is dark/lacking in illumination 
anipa    data   x1 (du'u) [fact/measurement] is data/information/statistic(s) about x2 gathered by method x3 
puna    date   "x1 is the date [day,{week},{month},year] of event/state x2, at location x3, by calendar x4" 
ikipu    daughter   x1 is a daughter of mother/father/parents x2; [not necessarily biological] 
tilu    daytime   x1 is the daytime of day x2 at location x3; (adjective:) x1 is diurnal (vs. nocturnal) 
piti    dead   x1 is dead/has ceased to be alive 
asuvu    dear   x1 is dear/precious/darling to x2; x1 is emotionally valued by x2 
nunitu    deceive   x1 (event/experience) misleads/deceives/dupes/fools/cheats/tricks x2 into x3 (event/state) 
tuvu    decide   x1 (person) decides/makes decision x2 (du'u) about matter x3 (event/state) 
pilisa    decimal   x1 (me'o) is the [decimal/binary] equivalent of fractional x2 (me'o) in base x3 (quantity) 
titapu    decrease   x1 (experiencer) decreases/contracts/is reduced/diminished in property/quantity x2 by amount x3 
uvu    deep   x1 is deep in extent in direction/property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4 
tunisi    defend   x1 (event) defends/protects x2 (object/state) from threat/peril/potential x3 (event) 
pupiki    delicate   x1 is delicate/fragile/subtle/refined in property x2 (ka) 
kupapa    delicious   "x1 is delicious/tasty/delightful to observer/sense x2 [person, or sensory activity]" 
tavuvu    dense   x1 is dense/concentrated/packed/intense in property x2 (ka) at location/locus x3 
anali    deny   x1 (du'u) contradicts/denies/refutes/negates x2 (du'u) under rules/logic x3 
putika    deputy   x1 is a deputy/vice/subordinate in aspect [or organization principle] x2 (ka) to principal x3 
vilani    derogative   x1 is a derogative connotation/sense of x2 used by x3; x3 derogates/'curses at' x2 in form x1 
ulata    describe   x1 tells about/describes x2 (object/event/state) to audience x3 with description x4 (property) 
tisani    desire   x1 desires/wants/wishes x2 (event/state) for purpose x3 
usa    destroy   x1 (event) destroys/ruins/wrecks/despoils x2; x1 is destructive 
sivu    detail   x1 is a detail/feature/particular of x2 
papi    develop   x1 develops/evolves towards/into x2 from x3 through stages x4 
pisini    differ   x1 differs/is distinct from/contrasts with/is unlike x2 in property/dimension/quantity x3 
vuna    difficult   x1 is difficult/hard/challenging for x2 under conditions x3; x1 challenges (non-agentive) x2 
sisi    dig   x1 (agent) digs x2 [material] up/out of x3 [source/hole] with limbs/tool(s) x4 
ivi    dim   x1 is dim/dull/pale/non-intense in property x2 (ka) as received/measured by observer x3 
livi    dimension   x1 (property - ka) is a dimension of space/object x2 according to rules/model x3 
kitu    diplomat   x1 is a diplomat/consul representing polity x2 in/at negotiation x3 for function/purpose x4 
vuvi    direction   x1 is the direction of x2 (object/event) from origin/in frame of reference x3 
ilika    dirt   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of dirt/soil/earth/ground from source x2 of composition x3 
pinu    discover   x1 discovers/finds out x2 (du'u) about subject/object x3; x1 finds (fi) x3 (object) 
lilivu    discuss   "x1(s) (mass normally, but 1 individual/jo'u possible) discuss(es)/talk(s) about topic/subject x2" 
tipava    disgusting   x1 is repugnant to/causes disgust to x2 under conditions x3 
tila    dissolve   x1 dissolves in solvent x2 forming solution/[suspension] x3 under conditions x4 
iti    distribute   x1 is distributed/allotted/allocated/shared among x2 with shares/portions x3; (x2/x3 fa'u) 
unuli    dive   x1 dives/swoops [manner of controlled falling] to x2 from x3 
takavi    divide   x1 (agent) divides/partitions/separates x2 into sections/parts/ind. x3 by method/partition x4 
vulaku    do   x1 [person/agent] is an agentive cause of event x2; x1 does/brings about x2 
nupa    doctor   x1 doctors/treats/nurses/[cures]/is physician/midwife to x2 for ailment x3 by treatment/cure x4 
kani    dollar   "x1 is measured in major-money-units (dollar/yuan/ruble) as x2 (quantity), monetary system x3" 
vipuli    door   x1 is a doorway/gateway/access way between x2 and x3 of structure x4 
navaki    doubt   x1 doubts/is dubious/doubtful/skeptical/questions that x2 (du'u) is true 
isula    drain   x1 liquid/fluid drains/strains/flushes from source x2 through drain/strainer x3 by force x4 
susu    drama   x1 is a drama/play about x2 [plot/theme/subject] by dramatist x3 for audience x4 with actors x5 
suna    drawer   "x1 is a drawer/file in structure x2, a [sliding compartment] container for contents x3" 
akupu    dream   x1 dreams about/that x2 (fact/idea/event/state); x2 is a dream/reverie of x1 
lavini    drink   x1 (agent) drinks/imbibes beverage/drink/liquid refreshment x2 from/out-of container/source x3 
luluvi    drop   "x1 is a drop [small, cohesive shape] of material [liquid/vapor] x2 in surrounding material x3" 
unaka    drum   x1 is a drum/cymbal/gong [percussion musical instrument] with beater/actuator x2 
sina    dry   x1 is dry of liquid x2; (adjective:) x1 is arid 
lasuvi    duck   x1 is a duck/[drake] of species/breed x2 
uvuna    dust   x1 is dust/precipitate [suspensible solid] from x2 in medium/on surface x3 
vikaka    dwell   x1 dwells/lives/resides/abides at/inhabits/is a resident of location/habitat/nest/home/abode x2 
sanu    ear   "x1 is a/the ear [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: sensory apparatus, information gathering]" 
tisa    early   x1 (event) is early by standard x2 
akali    earn   x1 (agent/person) earns/[deserves/merits] wages/salary/pay x2 for work/service x3 (activity) 
saniva    earth   x1 is the Earth/the home planet of race x2; (adjective:) x1 is terrestrial/earthbound 
suviku    east   x1 is to the east/eastern side of x2 according to frame of reference x3 
salivi    easy   x1 (action) is easy/simple/facile for x2 (agent) under conditions x3; x2 does x1 freely/easily 
apila    eat   x1 eats/ingests/consumes (transitive verb) x2 
usuvi    edge   x1 is an edge/margin/border/curb/boundary of x2 next-to/bordering-on x3 
nula    egg   x1 is an egg/ovum/sperm/pollen/gamete of/from organism [mother/father] x2 
vuka    elastic   (adjective:) x1 is elastic/springy 
asaku    elder   x1 is an elder/ancestor of x2 by bond/tie/degree x3; x1's generation precedes x2's parents 
puku    electric   x1 is electricity [electric charge or current] in/on x2 of polarity/quantity x3 (def. negative) 
nalinu    elephant   x1 is an elephant of species/breed x2 
pituta    embarrassed   x1 is embarrassed/disconcerted/flustered/ill-at-ease about/under conditions x2 (abstraction) 
panuvi    embryo   "x1 is an embryo/zygote/fetus/fertilized egg with mother x2, and father x3" 
akipi    emotion   x1 feels emotion x2 (ka) about x3 
sisu    emphasize   x1 emphasizes/accentuates/gives emphasis/stress/accent to x2 by (action) x3 
sanana    empty   x1 [container] is empty/vacant of x2 [material]; x1 is hollow 
vava    end   x1 is an end/finish/termination of thing/process x2; [not necessarily implying completeness] 
ulaki    enemy   x1 is an enemy/opponent/adversary/foe of x2 in struggle x3 
pusa    energy   x1 is energy of type x2 in form x3 
vitupu    environment   x1 (ind./mass) is part of an environment/surroundings/context/ambience of x2 
vukuku    equal   x1 is equal/congruent to/as much as x2 in property/dimension/quantity x3 
upiva    era   x1 is an era/epoch/age characterized by x2 (event/property/interval/idea) 
uvati    err   "x1 errs in doing/being/making mistake x2 (event), an error under conditions x3 by standard x4" 
taku    esteem   x1 esteems/respects/venerates/highly regards x2 [object of respect] 
lasita    evening   x1 is an evening [from end-of-work until sleep typical for locale] of day x2 at location x3 
ukana    event   x1 (event) is an event that happens/occurs/takes place; x1 is an incident/happening/occurrence 
ula    evil   x1 is evil/depraved/wicked [morally bad] by standard x2 
vaku    exact   x1 [measurement/match] is exact/precise to precision x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) 
apata    example   x1 is an example/sample/specimen/instance/case/illustration of common property(s) x2 of set x3 
sinaka    excess   x1 is an excess of/too much of x2 by standard x3 
kavupi    exchange   "x1 exchanges/trades/barters commodity x2 for x3 with x4; x1, x4 is a trader/merchant/businessman" 
susi    excrete   x1 [body] excretes waste x2 from source x3 via means/route x4 
nipu    exist   x1 exists/is real/actual/reality for x2 under metaphysics x3 
apu    experience   x1 [person/passive/state] undergoes/experiences x2 (event/experience); x2 happens to x1 
anisi    expert   x1 is an expert/pro/has prowess in/is skilled at x2 (event/activity) by standard x3 
lukusi    explain   x1 (person) explains x2 (event/state/property) to x3 with explanation x4 (du'u) 
papa    explode   x1 bursts/explodes/violently breaks up/decomposes/combusts into pieces/energy/fragments x2 
inatu    exponential   x1 is the exponential result of base x2 to power/exponent x3 
pulusa    express   x1 (agent) expresses/says x2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4 
silisu    eye   x1 is a/the eye [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: sensory apparatus]; (adjective:) x1 is ocular 
asuki    fact   "x1 (du'u) is a fact/reality/truth/actuality, in the absolute" 
tuna    factory   x1 is a factory/foundry/industrial plant/mill producing x2 from materials x3 
lini    fail   x1 fails at doing x2 (state/event); x1 is a failure at its role in x2 
pula    fairy   x1 is a fairy/elf/gnome/brownie/pixie/goblin/kobold [mythical humanoid] of mythos/religion x2 
ikuka    fall   x1 falls/drops to x2 from x3 in gravity well/frame of reference x4 
ulana    falsehood   x1 (du'u) is false/is an untruth by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2 
natisi    familiar   x1 is old/familiar/well-known to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4 
satisi    family   x1 (mass) is a family with members including x2 bonded/tied/joined according to standard x3 
luku    famous   x1 (person/object/event) is famous/renowned/is a celebrity among community of persons x2 (mass) 
akuka    fast   x1 is fast/swift/quick/hastes/rapid at doing/being/bringing about x2 (event/state) 
vuli    fasten   x1 (agent) fastens/connects/attaches/binds/lashes x2 to x3 with fastener x4 
sunu    fate   "x1 is a fate/destiny of x2; [doom, curse are mabla-forms]; x2 is fated/predestined/doomed to x1" 
livala    father   x1 is a father of x2; x1 begets/sires/acts paternal towards x2; [not necessarily biological] 
itipi    favorable   x1 is a favorable connotation/sense/way-of-looking-at x2 used by x3 
usili    fear   x1 fears x2; x1 is afraid/scared/frightened by/fearful of x2 (event/tu'a object) 
pivi    feather   x1 is a/the feather/plume(s)/plumage [body-part] of animal/species x2 
kakavi    feces   x1 is a/the feces/excrement/dung/shit of x2 (animal/person); (adjective:) x1 is fecal (matter) 
ataki    female   x1 is a female/doe of species x2 evidencing feminine trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is feminine 
nipuku    fertile   x1 is fertile/conducive for supporting the growth/development of x2; x1 is fruitful/prolific 
aku    fiction   x1 is a work of fiction about plot/theme/subject x2/under convention x2 by author x3 
ikani    field   x1 is a field [shape/form] of material x2; x1 is a broad uniform expanse of x2 
ipili    fig   x1 is a fig [fruit/tree] of species/strain x2 
tisasa    fight   x1 fights/combats/struggles with x2 over issue x3 (abstract); x1 is a fighter/combatant 
pasuku    fill   x1 (object) fills/becomes stuffed [up]/inflates/blows up with material x2; x2 pours into x1 
tikiku    finger   x1 is a/the finger/digit/toe [body-part] on limb/body site x2 of body x3; [metaphor: peninsula] 
isiki    fire   x1 is a fire/flame in fuel x2 burning-in/reacting-with oxidizer x3 (default air/oxygen) 
tanavi    firm   x1 is firm/hard/resistant/unyielding to force x2 under conditions x3 
lisa    fit   x1 fits/matches/suits/is compatible/appropriate/corresponds to/with x2 in property/aspect x3 
ali    flag   x1 is a flag/banner/standard of/symbolizing x2 with pattern(s) x3 on material x4 
sanuta    flaw   x1 (property - ka) is a flaw/fault/defect in x2 causing x3 
salaku    flight   x1 flies [in air/atmosphere] using lifting/propulsion means x2 
vikuta    float   x1 (passive) floats on/in fluid (gas/liquid) x2; x1 is buoyant 
apiva    floor   x1 is a floor/bottom/ground of x2 
itipu    flow   x1 is a current/flow/river of/in x2 flowing in direction to/towards x3 from direction/source x4 
ilasa    flower   x1 is a/the flower/blossom/bloom [body-part] of plant/species x2; (adjective:) x1 is floral 
utala    flute   x1 is a flute/pipe/fife/recorder [flute-like/air-reed musical instrument] 
usipu    fly   x1 is a fly [a small non-stinging flying insect] of species/breed x2 
lisuta    foam   "x1 is a quantity of foam/froth/suds of material x2, with bubbles/vacuoles of material x3" 
silivi    fog   x1 is foggy/misty/covered by a fog/mist/vapor of liquid x2 
kapitu    fold   x1 (force) folds/creases x2 at locus/loci/forming crease(s)/bend(s) x3 
kana    fond   x1 is fond of/likes/has a taste for x2 (object/state) 
sisa    food   x1 is food/feed/nutriment for x2; x1 is edible/gives nutrition to x2 
luvini    foolish   x1 is foolish/silly in event/action/property folly x2; x1 is a boob 
apapu    foot   x1 is a/the foot [body-part] of x2; metaphor: lowest portion x1 is pedal 
ulili    force   x1 force forces/compels event x2 to occur; x1 determines property x2 to manifest 
tukulu    forgive   x1 forgives x2 for event/state/activity x3 
tipitu    fork   x1 is a fork/fork-type tool/utensil for purpose x2 with tines/prongs x3 on base/support x4 
apapi    fraction   "x1 is a fraction, with numerator x2, denominator x3 (x2/x3)" 
vikuti    frame   x1 is a frame/structure/skeleton/outline supporting/load-bearing/determining the form of x2 
tata    free   x1 is free/at liberty to do/be x2 (event/state) under conditions x3 
ivuva    freeze   x1 freezes/jells/solidifies at temperature x2 and pressure x3 
vivini    fresh   (adjective:) x1 is fresh/unspoiled 
kivuku    friction   x1 is friction [force opposing motion] due to contact/rubbing between x2 and x3; (fe) x2 rubs x3 
lila    friend   x1 is/acts as a friend of/to x2 (experiencer); x2 befriends x1 
alaki    front   x1 is anterior/ahead/forward/(in/on) the front of x2 which faces/in-frame-of-reference x3 
natupa    frown   x1 frowns/grimaces (facial expression) 
vatu    fruit   x1 is a fruit [body-part] of species x2 
nanitu    frustration   x1 feels frustration about x2 (abstraction) 
lavilu    fuel   x1 is a fuel/energy-source for powering x2 
tasivu    full   x1 is full/completely filled with x2 
apaki    full day   x1 is x2 full days in duration (default is 1 day) by standard x3; (adjective:) x1 is diurnal 
nutili    function   x1 is a function/single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression/rule x4 
kaputu    funny   x1 is funny/comical to x2 in property/aspect x3 (nu/ka); x3 is what is funny about x1 to x2 
isapa    funny   x1 is funny/comical to x2 in property/aspect x3 (nu/ka); x3 is what is funny about x1 to x2 
vanu    furniture   x1 [furniture items] furnishes x2 [location] serving purpose/function x3 
liki    future   x1 is in the future of/later than/after x2 in time sequence; x1 is latter; x2 is former 
uvupa    gallon   "x1 is x2 (default 1) local volume unit(s) [non-metric; e.g. bushel], standard x3, x4 subunits" 
ivu    garden   x1 is a garden/tended/cultivated field of family/community/farmer x2 growing plants/crop x3 
kutiti    garlic   x1 is a quantity of garlic [bulb] of species/strain x2 
kini    garment   x1 is dress/a garment/clothing for wearing by x2 (gender/species/body part) serving purpose x3 
utuka    gas   "x1 is gaseous/fumes/a gas/vapor of material/composition including x2, under conditions x3" 
aviku    gather   x1 (mass/jo'u) gathers/collects at location x2 from locations x3 (mass/jo'u) 
tatupi    gem   x1 is a gem/polished stone/pearl of type x2 from gemstone/material/source x3 
napuva    gene   x1 is a gene of creature [or locus on creature] x2 determining trait/process x3 
kivali    germ   x1 is a bacteria/germ/microbe/protozoan/amoeba [1-celled life] of species/defining property x2 
upavi    get   x1 gets/procures/acquires/obtains/accepts x2 from source x3 [previous possessor not implied] 
ipini    girl   x1 is a girl [young female person] of age x2 immature by standard x3 
tinipa    give   x1 [donor] gives/donates gift/present x2 to recipient/beneficiary x3 [without payment/exchange] 
nitipa    gland   "x1 is a/the gland [body-part] secreting x2, of body x3; x2 is a secretion of x1" 
ukuta    glass   x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains glass of composition including x2 
ilipa    glimmering   x1 is the [astronomical] twilight/dawn/dusk/half-light/glimmering of day x2 at location x3 
pusasi    glove   x1 is a mitten/glove [hand and lower arm garment] of material x2 
kakava    god   x1 is a/the god/deity of people(s)/religion x2 with dominion over x3 [sphere]; x1 is divine 
vili    gold   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of gold (Au); [metaphor: valuable, heavy, non-reactive]" 
katu    gonad   "x1 is a/the testes/ovary/testicle/scrotum/balls/gonad/stamen/pistil [body-part] of x2, gender x3" 
alanu    good   x1 (object/event) is good/beneficial/nice/[acceptable] for x2 by standard x3 
pinapi    goose   x1 is a goose/[gander] of species/breed x2 
akanu    govern   x1 governs/rules/is ruler/governor/sovereign/reigns over people/territory/domain/subjects x2 
ususi    grain   x1 is grain/[British: corn]/cereal from plant/species x2 
uluva    gram   x1 is x2 gram(s) [metric unit] in mass (default is 1) by standard x3 
ulavi    grammar   x1 is the grammar/rules/defining form of language x2 for structure/text x3 
nila    grasp   x1 grasps/holds/clutches/seizes/grips/[hugs] x2 with x3 (part of x1) at locus x4 (part of x2) 
inati    grass   x1 is a blade/expanse of grass of species x2 
ikunu    grateful   x1 is grateful/thankful to/appreciative of x2 for x3 (event/property) 
unuva    gray   x1 is gray [color adjective] 
kapalu    grease   x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains grease/fat/oil from source x2 
pilu    great   x1 is great/grand in property x2 (ka) by standard x3 
uti    green   x1 is green/verdant [color adjective] 
apapa    greet   x1 (agent) greets/hails/[welcomes/says hello to]/responds to arrival of x2 in manner x3 (action) 
uvasi    grind   x1 [individual or mass of hard surfaces] grinds/pulverizes/crushes x2 into powder x3 
vakipu    groove   x1 is a groove/trench/furrow [shape/form] in object/surface x2 
ituki    group   x1 is group/cluster/team showing common property (ka) x2 due to set x3 linked by relations x4 
usipa    grow   x1 grows/expands [an increasing development] to size/into form x2 from x3 
asasu    guess   x1 guesses/conjectures/surmises x2 (du'u) is true about subject x3; [epistemology] 
suvisi    guest   x1 is a guest/visitor of x2 at place/event x3; x1 visits x2/x3 
kitapa    guide   x1 (person/object/event) guides/conducts/pilots/leads x2 (active participants) in/at x3 (event) 
kasasu    guilt   x1 feels guilt/remorse about x2 (abstraction) 
vitiva    guitar   x1 is guitar/violin/fiddle/harp [stringed musical instrument] with actuator/plectrum/bow x2 
vuva    gut   x1 is a/the gut(s)/entrails/intestines/viscera/innards/digestive system [body-part] of x2 
nituvi    gymnast   x1 is a gymnast at/performs gymnastics feat x2 
atana    hail   x1 is hail/sleet/freezing rain/solid precipitation of material/composition including x2 
lusuku    half   x1 is exactly/approximately half/semi-/demi-/hemi- of x2 by standard x3 
kita    hammer   x1 [tool] is a hammer for/hammers x2 [target] consisting of weight/head x3 propelled by x4 
asipi    hang   x1 hangs/dangles/is suspended from x2 by/at/with joint x3 
ukata    happy   x1 is happy/gay/merry/glad/gleeful about x2 (event/state) 
anuvi    harmonious   x1 is harmonious/concordant/in agreement/concord with x2 in property x3 (ka) 
ulula    harvest   x1 (agent) harvests/reaps/gathers crop/product/objects x2 from source/area x3 
viva    hate   x1 hates/despises x2 (object/abstraction); x1 is full of hate for x2; x2 is odious to x1 
sili    head   x1 is a/the head [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: uppermost portion] 
litana    healthy   x1 is healthy/fit/well/in good health by standard x2 
vinala    heap   x1 is a heap/pile/stack/mound/hill of materials x2 at location x3 
pisa    hear   x1 hears x2 against background/noise x3; x2 is audible; (adjective:) x1 is aural 
nasa    heart   x1 is a/the heart [body-part] of x2; [emotional/shape metaphors are NOT culturally neutral] 
tipiki    heavy   x1 is heavy/weighty in mass/weight by standard x2 
nipisi    heir   x1 is an heir to/is to inherit x2 (object/quality) from x3 according to rule x4 
uvipu    help   x1 helps/assists/aids object/person x2 do/achieve/maintain event/activity x3 
lupuva    hemp   x1 is a quantity of hemp/marijuana/jute of species/strain x2 
sinala    high   x1 is high/up/upward in frame of reference x2 as compared with baseline/standard height x3 
pukilu    history   x1 is a history of x2 according to x3 (person)/from point-of-view x3 
usapi    hit   x1 hits/strikes/[beats] x2 with instrument [or body-part] x3 at locus x4 
nina    holy   x1 is holy/sacred to person/people/culture/religion/cult/group x2 
aluvi    honest   x1 is honest/open/truthfully revealing to/candid/frank with x2 about matter/fact x3 
livaka    hoof   x1 is a/the hoof [body-part] of x2 
susaka    hook   x1 is a hook/crook [shape/form] of material x2 
usiva    hope   "x1 hopes/wishes for/desires x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1); x1 hopes that x2 happens" 
kapa    horn   x1 is a/the horn [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: pointed extremity] 
lasi    hospital   x1 is a hospital treating patient(s) x2 for condition/injuries/disease/illness x3 
inusi    hot   x1 is hot/[warm] by standard x2 
utuvi    hotel   x1 is a hotel/inn/hostel at location x2 operated by x3 
isu    hour   x1 is x2 hours in duration (default is 1 hour) by standard x3 
paka    human   x1 is a human/human being/man (non-specific gender-free sense); (adjective:) x1 is human 
naluka    humble   x1 is humble/modest about x2 (abstraction); x1 displays humility about x2 
ikiti    hunger   x1 hungers for x2; x1 needs/wants food/fuel x2 
lipuli    hunt   x1 hunts/stalks prey/quarry/game x2 for purpose x3 
unipa    hydrogen   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of hydrogen (H); [metaphor: light, flammable]" 
avini    ice   x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains ice [frozen crystal] of composition/material x2 
puka    idea   x1 (idea abstract) is an idea/concept/thought about x2 (object/abstract) by thinker x3 
visi    idle   x1 is idle/at rest/inactive 
uvusu    ill   x1 is ill/sick/diseased with symptoms x2 from disease x3 
anisa    illumine   x1 [energy] is light/illumination illuminating x2 from light source x3 
kunani    imaginary   x1 [concept] exists in the imagination of/is imagined by/is imaginary to x2 
ipila    immaterial   x1 is immaterial/not physical/without material form 
nanu    immerse   x1 (object/person) is immersed/submerged/bathes in liquid x2 
utanu    important   x1 (object/event) is important/significant to x2 (person/event) in aspect/for reason x3 (nu/ka) 
vuvu    in   x1 is in/inside/within x2; x1 is on the inside/interior of x2 [totally within the bounds of x2] 
apana    increase   x1 (experiencer) increases/is incremented/augmented in property/quantity x2 by amount x3 
sipa    industry   x1 is industry/industrial/systematic manufacturing activity producing x2 by process/means x3 
avasu    infant   x1 is an infant/baby [helpless through youth/incomplete development] of species x2 
inaka    infinite   "x1 is infinite/unending/eternal in property/dimension x2, to degree x3 (quantity)/of type x3" 
ipuva    influence   x1 (agent) influences/lures/tempts x2 into action/state x3 by influence/threat/lure x4 
paniti    initiate   x1 [state/event/process] commences/initiates/starts/begins to occur; (intransitive verb) 
lilu    injure   x1 (event) injures/harms/damages victim x2 in property x3 (ka) resulting in injury x4 (state) 
putili    ink   x1 is a quantity of ink of color/pigment x2 used by writing device x3 
isiti    innate   x1 (property - ka) is an innate/inherent/intrinsic/natural property/quality/aspect of x2 
pasu    insect   x1 is an insect/arthropod of species x2; [bug/beetle] 
tivu    insert   x1 (agent) inserts/interposes/puts/deposits x2 into interior x3/into among/between members of x3 
kuluni    insure   x1 insures/indemnifies x2 (person) against peril x3 (event) providing benefit(s) x4 (event) 
vitu    intense   x1 is intense/bright/saturated/brilliant in property (ka) x2 as received/measured by observer x3 
vavu    interesting   x1 (abstraction) interests/is interesting to x2; x2 is interested in x1 
utiku    interfere   x1 (evt./state) interferes with/hinders/disrupts x2 (evt./state/process) due to quality x3 (ka) 
kuvapu    interrupt   x1 (event) interrupts/stops/halts/[disrupts] x2 (object/event/process) due to quality x3 
vaka    intersect   x1 intersects/crosses/traverses x2 at locus x3 
sapa    intuit   x1 (person) intuits x2 (du'u) about subject x3; [epistemology] 
lasili    invent   x1 invents/creates/composes/authors x2 for function/purpose x3 from existing elements/ideas x4 
uvusa    invest   x1 (agent) invests resources x2 in investment x3 expecting return/profit x4 (object(s)/event) 
nana    iron   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of iron (Fe); [metaphor: strong, durable, tarnishing]" 
valilu    irony   x1 is ironic(al)/contrary to expectation x2 in state/property/aspect x3 
katavu    irregular   x1 is irregular/occasional/intermittent in property/action/aspect x2 
avali    island   x1 is an island/atoll/key of [material/properties] x2 in surroundings/body x3; x1 is insular 
latitu    jaw   x1 is a/the jaw [body-part] of x2 
nita    jealous   x1 (person) is jealous of/envies x2 (person) about/for x3 (property - ka) 
kapinu    jelly   x1 is a quantity of jelly/semisolid [texture] of material/composition including x2 
kikusa    jet   x1 is a jet [expelled stream] of material x2 expelled from x3 
suvasi    job   x1 is a job/occupation/employment/vocation (a type of work regularly done for pay) of person x2 
tutiku    joined   x1 is joined to/connects to/is united with x2 at common locus x3; x1 and x2 are a union 
katiki    jointly   "x1 is a mass/team/aggregate/whole, together composed of components x2, considered jointly" 
pitunu    journal   x1 is a journal/periodical/magazine/[newspaper] with content x2 published by x3 for audience x4 
ulani    judge   x1 judges/referees/arbitrates/is a judge determining/deciding matter x2 (abstract) 
lavapu    juice   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of juice/nectar from-source/of-type x2 
alina    key   "x1 is a key fitting/releasing/opening/unlocking lock x2, and having relevant properties x3" 
ipusu    kick   "x1 kicks [hits with x1's foot/feet x4] x2 in/at locus x3, using x1's foot/feet x4" 
kiki    kill   x1 (agent) kills/slaughters/murders x2 by action/method x3 
tuka    kind   x1 (person) is kind to x2 in actions/behavior x3 
usita    kiss   x1 (agent) kisses/busses x2 at locus x3 
lavivu    knee   "x1 is a/the knee/elbow/knuckle [hinged joint, body-part] of limb x2 of body x3" 
nitisa    knife   "x1 is a knife (tool) for cutting x2, with blade of material x3" 
ikapi    knit   x1 (agent) knits x2 [cloth/object] from yarn/thread x3 
pakulu    knot   x1 is a knot/tangle in/between x2 (object/jo'u-objects) 
lunapi    know   x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4 
ninu    label   x1 is a label/tag of x2 showing information x3 
isasi    lake   x1 is a lake/lagoon/pool at site/within land mass x2 
pana    land   x1 is a parcel/expanse of land at location x2; x1 is terrain 
analu    language   "x1 is a/the language/dialect used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote)" 
vila    late   x1 (event) is late by standard x2 
luvika    laugh   x1 laughs (emotional expression) 
inina    launcher   "x1 launches/fires/shoots projectile/missile x2, propelled by x3 [propellant/propulsion]" 
sasaku    law   x1 is a law specifying x2 (state/event) for community x3 under conditions x4 by lawgiver(s) x5 
pipa    layer   x1 is a layer/stratum [shape/form] of x2 [material] within structure/continuum/composite x3 
sakuki    lazy   x1 (person) is lazy/avoiding work/effort concerning action x2 
pava    lead   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of lead (Pb); [metaphor: heavy, malleable, soft metal]" 
pasita    leaf   x1 is a leaf of plant x2; x1 is foliage of x2 
ilani    learn   x1 learns x2 (du'u) about subject x3 from source x4 (obj./event) by method x5 (event/process) 
aviti    leave   x1 leaves/goes away/departs/parts/separates from x2 via route x3 
vatulu    left   x1 is to the left/left-hand side of x2 which faces/in-frame-of-reference x3 
avila    left   x1 is to the left/left-hand side of x2 which faces/in-frame-of-reference x3 
kutipi    leg   x1 is a/the leg [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: supporting branch] 
kavu    lens   x1 is a lens/glass [focussing shape/form] focussing x2 to focus/foci x3 by means/material x4 
kusu    let   x1 (agent) lets/permits/allows x2 (event) under conditions x3; x1 grants privilege x2 
akaki    letter   x1 is a letter/missive/[note] to intended audience x2 from author/originator x3 with content x4 
tula    letteral   x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3 
ulatu    level   x1 is flat/level/horizontal in gravity/frame of reference x2 
supa    levity   x1 uses levity/is non-serious/frivolous about x2 (abstraction) 
pulupa    lift   x1 (force) lifts/applies raising/supporting force to x2 at locus x3 in gravity well x4 
ilisi    lightning   x1 is lightning/electrical arc/thunderbolt striking at/extending to x2 from x3 
avuni    lightweight   x1 is light in mass/weight by standard x2 
valasu    limit   x1 is a limit/extreme/bound/border/[confinement] of x2 in property/domain x3 
nukipi    line   x1 is a line/among lines [1-dimensional shape/form] defined by set of points x2 
lunuvu    linen   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of linen/flax [type of fabric/material] 
pisati    lion   x1 is a lion/[lioness] of species/breed x2 
sakaka    lip   x1 is a/the lip [body-part]/rim of orifice x2 of body x3; (adjective:) x1 is labial 
lupipa    liquid   "x1 is liquid/fluid, of composition/material including x2, under conditions x3" 
tilupa    liquor   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of liquor/spirits distilled from x2 
ulupi    list   x1 (physical object) is a list/catalog/register of sequence/set x2 in order x3 in medium x4 
isusi    liter   x1 is x2 liter(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard x3 
suvuni    live   x1 lives/is alive by standard x2; x1 is an organism/living thing 
ivina    liver   x1 is a/the liver [body-part] of x2 
kapiki    local   x1 is local to x2; x1 is confined to locus x2 within range x3 
ivuta    lock   x1 is a lock/seal of/on/for sealing x2 with/by locking mechanism x3 
lusa    logarithm   x1 is the logarithm of x2 with base x3 
avuka    logic   x1 [rules/methods] is a logic for deducing/concluding/inferring/reasoning to/about x2 (du'u) 
ukuku    long   x1 is long in dimension/direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3 
tiku    look   x1 looks at/examines/views/inspects/regards/watches/gazes at x2 
ununu    loop   x1 is a loop/circuit of x2 [material] 
nakava    loose   x1 (obj.) is loose/bloused/not tight on x2 (obj.) at locus x3 
tapava    lose   x1 loses person/thing x2 at/near x3; x1 loses property/feature x2 in conditions/situation x3 
lusu    loud   x1 is loud/noisy at observation point x2 by standard x3 
pukavu    louse   "x1 is a louse/flea [blood-sucking arthropod] of species/breed x2, parasitic on x3" 
tupi    love   x1 loves/feels strong affectionate devotion towards x2 (object/state) 
pulini    low   x1 is low/down/downward in frame of reference x2 as compared with baseline/standard height x3 
tupu    luck   x1 (event/property) is determined by the luck/fortune of x2; (note mabla/zabna not implied) 
valitu    lunar   x1 is Earth's moon (default); x1 is a major natural satellite/moon of planet x2 
vusilu    lung   x1 is a/the lung [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: breathing/respiratory apparatus/bellows] 
vali    machine   "x1 is a machine for use/function x2; [automated apparatus, without direct function control]" 
ililu    magenta   x1 is magenta/fuchsia/purplish-red [color adjective] 
nala    magic   "x1 is magic/supernatural/sorcery/witchcraft/wizardry to x2, performed by person/force/deity x3" 
ilita    magnet   x1 is magnetic [adjective] producing magnetic field x2 
kuti    mail   x1 mails/posts [transfer via intermediary service] x2 to x3 from x4 by carrier/network/system x5 
kusapi    maize   x1 is a quantity of maize/corn [grain] of species/strain x2 
kati    make   x1 makes/assembles/builds/manufactures/creates x2 out of materials/parts/components x3 
unana    male   x1 is a male/buck of species x2 evidencing masculine trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is masculine 
luva    mammal   x1 is a mammal/'animal'/beast of species x2 
ulisa    man   x1 is a man/men; x1 is a male humanoid person [not necessarily adult] 
vaki    manual   x1 (event/action/process) is manual [not automatic] in function x2 under conditions x3 
pakapi    mark   x1(s) is a/are mark(s)/spot(s) on x2 of material x3 
tusuli    market   "x1 is a market/store/exchange/shop(s) selling/trading (for) x2, operated by/with participants x3" 
nuvaka    married   x1 is married to x2; x1 is a spouse of x2 under law/custom/tradition/system/convention x3 
linupi    mash   x1 [force] mashes/crushes/squashes/smashes x2 into pulp/mash/crumbs/deformed mass x3 
kali    mat   "x1 is a mat/pad/mattress/pallet [flat, soft, dense form] of material x2" 
suvusu    match   x1 is a match [incendiary device] made of x2 
usala    material   x1 is material/stuff/matter of type/composition including x2 in shape/form x3 
vituta    mathematics   x1 is a mathematics of type/describing x2 
savapa    mature   x1 is mature/ripe/fully-grown/adult in development-quality x2 (ka) 
likalu    meal   x1 (mass) is a meal composed of dishes including x2 
itinu    meaning   x1 is a meaning/interpretation of x2 recognized/seen/accepted by x3 
tuvali    measure   "x1 (agent) measures/evaluates x2 [quantity] as x3 units on scale x4 (si'o), with accuracy x5" 
nupiku    meat   x1 is a quantity of/contains meat/flesh from source/animal x2 
puva    meet   x1 meets/encounters x2 at/in location x3 
katana    melon   x1 is a melon/squash [fruit/plant] of species/strain x2 
lanupi    melt   x1 melts [becomes liquid from solid state] at temperature x2 and pressure x3 
livina    member   x1 is a member/element of set x2; x1 belongs to group x2; x1 is amid/among/amongst group x2 
papu    mercury   x1 is a quantity of/contains/made of mercury/quicksilver; [metaphor: fluid metal; temperature] 
nati    message   x1 is a message/notice/memorandum about subject x2 from author x3 to intended audience x4 
upupu    metal   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of made of metal of composition including x2 
vatita    meter   x1 is x2 meter(s) [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction x3 by standard x4 
vunapu    method   x1 [process] is a method/technique/approach/means for doing x2 (event) under conditions x3 
aka    middle   x1 is in/at the middle/center/midpoint/[is a focus] of x2; (adjective:) x1 is central 
ikutu    mild   x1 is mild/non-extreme/gentle/middling/somewhat in property x2 (ka); x1 is not very x2 
linusi    mile   "x1 is x2 (default 1) long local distance unit(s) [non-metric], x3 subunits, standard x4" 
nika    military   x1 is military/regimented/is strongly organized/prepared by system x2 for purpose x3 
utini    milk   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of milk from source x2; (adjective:) x1 is lactic/dairy 
nipavu    mill   x1 is a mill/foundry/industrial plant/[assembly line] performing process x2 
ivutu    millet   x1 is a quantity of millet [grain] of species/strain x2 
ulali    mind   x1 is a mind/intellect/psyche/mentality/[consciousness] of body x2 
linu    mineral   x1 is/contains/is made from a mineral/ore of type/metal x2 mined from location/lode/mine x3 
tikupu    minute   x1 is x2 minutes in duration (default is 1 minute) by standard x3 
suvu    miscellaneous   x1 (set/mass/ind.) is miscellaneous/various/assorted in property x2 (ka) 
avu    mixture   x1 (mass) is a mixture/blend/colloid/commingling with ingredients including x2 
lavipa    moan   x1 utters moan/groan/howl/scream [non-linguistic utterance] x2 expressing x3 (property) 
luvu    modify   x1 (event) modifies/alters/changes/transforms/converts x2 into x3 
nilinu    moist   x1 is moist/wet/damp with liquid x2 
tavu    mold   x1 is a mold/fungus/mushrooms/truffles of species/strain x2 parasitic/growing on x3 
tatu    money   x1 is money/currency issued by x2; (adjective:) x1 is financial/monetary/pecuniary/fiscal 
akati    monkey   x1 is a monkey/ape/simian/baboon/chimpanzee of species/breed x2 
napiki    month   x1 is x2 months in duration (default is 1 month) by month standard x3 
ukalu    morals   x1 are the ethics/morals/moral standards/ethical standards of x2 (ind./mass) about situation x3 
viti    more   x1 exceeds/is more than x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount/excess x4 
tuvapu    morning   x1 is a morning [dawn until after typical start-of-work for locale] of day x2 at location x3 
vupi    mossy   x1 is a moss/lichen of species/strain x2 growing on x3; (adjective:) x1 is mossy 
nisa    mother   x1 is a mother of x2; x1 bears/mothers/acts maternally toward x2; [not necessarily biological] 
atapu    motive   "x1 (action/event/state) motivates/is a motive/incentive for action/event x2, per volition of x3" 
pulaki    motor   "x1 is a motor/engine, driving/propelling/providing power to x2" 
asisu    mountain   x1 is a mountain/hill/mound/[rise]/[peak]/[summit]/[highlands] projecting from land mass x2 
kuna    mouse   x1 is a mouse of species/breed x2 
ipipu    mouse   x1 is a mouse of species/breed x2 
iluva    mouth   x1 is a/the mouth/oral cavity [body-part] of x2; (metaphor: entrance/intake for consumption) 
nusavu    move   x1 (object) moves to destination/receiver x2 [away] from origin x3 over path/route x4 
lilala    much   "x1 is much/extreme in property x2 (ka), towards x3 extreme/direction; x1 is, in x2, very x3" 
usutu    multiply   x1 is the product/total/result of factors/multiplicands (x2 and x3) x2 multiplied by x3 
unina    muscle   "x1 is a/the muscle [body-part] controlling x2, of body x3; [metaphor: tools of physical power]" 
taviki    museum   x1 is a museum for preserving [and possibly exhibiting] x2 at location x3 
vavata    music   x1 is music performed/produced by x2 (event) 
atasa    mutual   x1 (set) has members who mutually/reciprocally x2 (event [x1 should be reflexive in 1+ sumti]) 
ava    myth   "x1 is a myth/legend, a culturally significant story about x2 in mythos x3 of culture x4" 
tusu    nail   "x1 is a nail/tack [pointed driven/frictional fastener] of type/size x2 (ka), made of material x3" 
apipa    name   x1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the name/title/tag of x2 to/used-by namer/name-user x3 (person) 
takini    narrow   x1 is narrow in dimension x2 [2nd most significant dimension] by standard x3 
siku    nation   x1 is a nation/ethnic group of peoples x2; [people sharing a history/culture] 
vulusu    natural   "x1 is natural/spontaneous/instinctive, not [consciously] caused by person(s)" 
anasu    near   x1 is near/close to/approximates x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) 
uvina    necessary   x1 (abstract) is necessary/required for continuing state/process x2 under conditions x3 
usunu    necessitate   x1 logically necessitates/entails/implies action/event/state x2 under rules/logic system x3 
tikisa    neck   x1 is a/the neck [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: a relatively narrow point] 
niti    need   x1 needs/requires/is dependent on/[wants] necessity x2 for purpose/action/stage of process x3 
piku    needle   "x1 is a needle [pointed shape/form, not tool] of material x2" 
kisivi    neon   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of inert gas of type x2 [neon/argon/radon/xenon] 
luni    nerve   x1 is a nerve/neuron [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: information/control network connection] 
lututa    nervous   x1 is nervous/anxious about x2 (abstraction) under conditions x3 
niniva    nest   x1 is a nest/house/lair/den/[home] of/for x2 
nikila    net   "x1 is a net/filter allowing passage of x2, prohibiting passage of x3, netting properties x4" 
patu    neutral   x1 is neutral/not taking sides/medial/not towards any extreme on scale/in dissension x2 
nusi    new   x1 is new/unfamiliar/novel to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4; x1 is a novelty 
ativu    news   "x1 (du'u) is news/tidings/new information about subject x2 from source x3, to observer x4" 
inivu    nickel   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of nickel/other metal resistant to oxidation 
kisusa    night   x1 is a nighttime of day x2 at location x3; (adjective:) x1 is at night/nocturnal 
supusu    nitrogen   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of nitrogen/ammonia/nitrates 
aluva    noble   x1 is noble/aristocratic/elite/high-born/titled in/under culture/society/standard x2 
kituti    noise   x1 is a noise/din/clamor [sensory input without useful information] to x2 via sensory channel x3 
atavi    norm   x1 [value] is a norm/average in property/amount x2 (ka/ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4 
sutati    north   x1 is to the north/northern side [right-hand-rule pole] of x2 according to frame of reference x3 
kaka    nose   x1 is the nose [body-part] of x2 with nostril(s)/nasal passage(s) x3; [metaphor: protrusion] 
kalusu    now   x1 is current at/in the present of/during/concurrent/simultaneous with x2 in time 
inipu    number   x1 (li) is a number/quantifier/digit/value/figure (noun); refers to the value and not the symbol 
tisi    nut   x1 is a nut [body-part: hard-shelled fruit] from plant/species x2 with shell x3 and kernel x4 
palaku    oak   "x1 is an oak, a type of tree of species/strain x2" 
uvuki    oats   x1 is a quantity of oats [grain] of species/strain x2 
ivapa    obey   x1 obeys/follows the command/rule x2 made by x3; (adjective:) x1 is obedient 
kuvupu    object   x1 is a material object enduring in space-time; x1 is a thing 
kusuna    obliged   x1 is bound/obliged to/has the duty to do/be x2 in/by standard/agreement x3; x1 must do x2 
iluku    observe   x1 observes/[notices]/watches/beholds x2 using senses/means x3 under conditions x4 
puli    odor   x1 is an odor/fragrance/scent/smell emitted by x2 and detected by observer/sensor x3 
lipaku    offer   x1 offers/proffers x2 [offering] to x3 with conditions x4 
laki    office   x1 is an office/bureau/work-place of worker x2 at location x3 
lakika    offspring   x1 is a [biological] offspring/child/kid/hybrid of parent(s) x2; (adjective:) x1 is filial 
nikapi    often   x1 (event) often/frequently/commonly/customarily occurs/recurs by standard x2 
kuputi    onion   x1 is a quantity of/contains onions/scallions of type/cultivar x2 
sulipi    open   x1 (portal/passage/entrance-way) is open/ajar/not shut permitting passage/access to x2 by x3 
tasa    operate   x1 operates/drives/runs x2 [apparatus/machine] with goal/objective/use/end/function x3 
putaku    opine   x1 thinks/opines x2 opinion is true about subject/issue x3 on grounds x4 
kakina    oppose   x1 opposes/balances/contends against opponent(s) x2 (person/force ind./mass) about x3 (abstract) 
ululi    opposite   x1 is polar opposite from/contrary to x2 in property/on scale x3 (property/si'o) 
tipula    orange   x1 is orange [color adjective] 
pupa    orderly   x1 is orderly/neat/ordered in property/quantity x2 (ka/ni) 
linipa    ordinary   x1 [member] is ordinary/common/typical/usual in property x2 (ka) among members of x3 (set) 
ipuki    organ   x1 is a/the body organ [body-part] of body/species x2 performing function x3 
sivisi    organize   x1 organizes x2 [relative chaos] into x3 [ordered/organized result] by system/principle(s) x4 
anati    oscillate   x1 oscillates at rate/frequency x2 through set/sequence-of-states x3 (complete specification) 
vuvunu    other   x1 isn't the-same-thing-as/is different-from/other-than x2 by standard x3; x1 is something else 
sunala    out   x1 is on the outside of x2; x1 is exterior to x2 
vavi    outer space   x1 is outer space near/associated with celestial body/region x2 
upila    oven   x1 is an oven [enclosure that heats its contents] for baking/heating/drying x2 
ulapi    owe   "x1 owes x2 in debt/obligation to creditor x3 in return for x4 [service, loan]; x1 is a debtor" 
navula    oxygen   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of oxygen (O); [metaphor: supporting life/combustion] 
vuta    page   x1 is a [physical] page/leaf of book/document/bound mass of pages x2 
nilaku    pain   x1 hurts/feels pain/hurt at locus x2 
pilana    paint   "x1 [material] is a paint of pigment/active substance x2, in a base of x3" 
nuta    pan   "x1 is a pan/basin/tub/sink, a shallow container for contents x2, of material/properties x3" 
tiluli    panic   x1 (person) is panicked by crisis x2 (event/state) 
upuli    pants   x1 are pants/trousers/slacks/leggings [legged garment] of material x2 
vikina    paper   x1 is paper from source x2 
inupa    parallel   x1 parallels x2 differing only in property x3 (ka; jo'u/fa'u term) by standard/geometry x4 
pavu    parent   x1 is a parent of/raises/rears x2; x1 mentors/acts parental toward child/protege x2 
ukatu    park   x1 is a park/land reserve managed by community/polity/company x2 for purpose x3 
panaku    part   x1 is a part/component/piece/portion/segment of x2 [where x2 is a whole/mass]; x2 is partly x1 
avuvu    pass through   x1 passes through/penetrates barrier/medium/portal x2 to destination side x3 from origin side x4 
sakala    passport   x1 is a passport issued to x2 (person) by authority x3 allowing x4 (activity) 
itupu    past   x1 is in the past of/earlier than/before x2 in time sequence; x1 is former; x2 is latter 
ikipi    paste   "x1 is paste/pulp/dough/mash/mud/slurry [soft, smooth-textured, moist solid] of composition x2" 
siluna    pattern   x1 is/reflects/represents a pattern of forms/events x2 arranged according to structure x3 
ukuka    pay   x1 pays/compensates/remunerates/[rewards] payment x2 to recipient/payee x3 for goods/services x4 
tasaku    peace   x1 is at peace with x2 
silini    pear   x1 is a pear [fruit] of species/strain x2 
akunu    pedestal   "x1 is a pedestal/base/stand/pallet supporting x2 (object/event), of materials/properties x3" 
asuti    pelt   x1 is a pelt/skin/hide/leather from x2 
liti    pen   x1 is a pen using ink x2 applied by process x3 
kuva    pencil   "x1 is a pencil/crayon/stylus applying lead/marking material x2, frame/support [of material] x3" 
vakilu    penis   x1 is a/the clitoris/penis [projecting reproductive organ; body-part] of x2 
nupi    perfect   x1 is perfect/ideal/archetypical/faultless/flawless/un-improvable in property/aspect x2 (ka) 
sukuku    perform   x1 performs x2 [performance] for/before audience x3 
nupiva    peril   x1 is perilous/dangerous/potentially harmful to x2 under conditions x3 
nipa    permanent   x1 is permanent/lasting/[eternal] in property x2 (ka) by standard x3 [time-span/expectant one] 
apatu    person   x1 is a person/people (noun) [not necessarily human]; x1 displays personality/a persona 
sululu    pertain   x1 pertains to/is germane/relevant to/concerns/is related/associated with/is about x2 
sunanu    petroleum   x1 is a quantity of petroleum/oil from source x2 
sanisi    phrase compound   "x1 is a binary metaphor formed with x2 modifying x3, giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5" 
punivu    piano   x1 is a piano/harpsichord/synthesizer/organ; a keyboard musical instrument 
ivinu    picture   "x1 is a picture/illustration representing/showing x2, made by artist x3 in medium x4" 
ulala    piece   x1 [object/substance] is a piece/portion/lump/chunk/particle of x2 [substance] 
suva    pin   "x1 is a pin/peg (needle-shaped tool) for fastening to/piercing x2, of material/properties x3" 
asivu    pity   x1 (person) pities/feels sorry for x2 (person) about x3 (abstraction) 
nivusu    plan   x1 (agent) plans/designs/plots plan/arrangement/plot/[schematic] x2 for state/process x3 
akiva    plane   x1 is a plane [2-dimensional shape/form] defined by points x2 (set); x1 is flat/[smooth] 
inapi    planet   "x1 is a planet revolving around x2 with planetary characteristics x3, orbital parameters x4" 
vusa    plant   x1 is a plant/herb/greenery of species/strain/cultivar x2 
unapa    plastic   x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains plastic/polymer of type/component unit(s) x2 
siki    plate   x1 is a plate/dish/platter/saucer [flat/mildly concave food service bed] made of material x2 
ukinu    play   x1 [agent] plays with plaything/toy x2 
unuku    pleasant   x1 (event/state) seems pleasant to/pleases x2 under conditions x3 
apupa    plow   x1 (agent) plows/furrows/tills [cuts into and turns up] x2 with tool x3 propelled by x4 
ukupi    plump   x1 is plump/fat/obese [excessively thick/bulbous/swollen] by standard x2 
ivapu    pocket   x1 is a pocket/pouch of/in garment/item x2 
vikiku    poem   x1 is a poem/verse about plot/theme/subject/pattern x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4 
aluku    point   x1 is a point/instant/moment [0-dimensional shape/form] in/on/at time/place x2 
pitivu    poison   x1 is poisonous/venomous/toxic/a toxin to x2 
supula    poke   "x1 (object, usually pointed) pokes/jabs/stabs/prods x2 (experiencer)" 
tipu    police   x1 is a police officer/[enforcer/vigilante] enforcing law(s)/rule(s)/order x2 
avavu    polish   "x1 (agent) polishes object/surface x2 with polish x3, applied using tool x4" 
lanuka    polite   x1 is polite/courteous/civil in matter x2 according to standard/custom x3 
unasu    polity   x1 is a polity/state governing territory/domain x2; [government/territory relationship] 
kiva    poor   x1 is poor/indigent/impoverished/lacking in goods/possessions/property x2 
vakaku    possess   x1 possesses/owns/has x2 under law/custom x3; x1 is owner/proprietor of x2 under x3 
sisuvu    possible   x1 (event/state/property) is possible under conditions x2; x1 may/might occur; x1 is a maybe 
latipa    pot   "x1 is a pot/kettle/urn/tub/sink, a deep container for contents x2, of material/properties x3" 
tilipi    potato   x1 is a potato [an edible tuber] of variety/cultivar x2 
uvasu    pound   "x1 is x2 (def. 1) local weight unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, subunits [e.g. ounces] x4" 
uvisa    powder   x1 is a powder of material x2 
nupalu    powerful   x1 has the power to bring about x2 under conditions x3; x1 is powerful in aspect x2 under x3 
pasiva    precede   x1 precedes/leads x2 in sequence x3; x1 is former/preceding/previous; x2 is latter/following 
tulu    pressure   x1 (force) puts pressure on/presses/applies force to x2 
ituti    prevent   x1 prevents/keeps/stops/restrains/constrains event x2 from occurring 
tapivi    price   x1 [amount] is the price of x2 to purchaser/consumer x3 set by vendor x4 
nali    pride   x1 (person) feels/has pride in/about x2 (abstraction) 
sutala    principal   "x1 is principal/chief/leader/main/[staple], most significant among x2 (set) in property x3 (ka)" 
ukiva    print   x1 is a print/impression/image on/in surface x2 of/made by/using tool/press/implement/object x3 
aninu    prisoner   "x1 is a prisoner/captive of x2, restrained/held/confined by means/force x3" 
lipapi    private   x1 is private/personal/privy/[secret/confidential/confined] to x2; x1 is not-public/hidden 
utavi    probable   x1 (event/state/property) is probable/likely under conditions x2 
uvala    problem   x1 (event/state) is a problem to/encountered by x2 in situation/task/inquiry x3 
ukisa    process   "x1 is a process with inputs x2, outputs/results x3, passing through steps/stages x4" 
nivuva    procreate   x1 engenders/procreates/begets x2 with coparent x3 
lupipu    produce   x1 produces x2 [product] by process x3 
unilu    profit   x1 is a profit/gain/benefit/advantage to x2 accruing/resulting from activity/process x3 
ivivi    projectile   x1 is a ballistic projectile [e.g. bullet/missile] for firing by [gun/propelling launcher] x2 
sivuti    promise   x1 (agent) promises/commits/assures/threatens x2 (event/state) to x3 [beneficiary/victim] 
ulusu    prose   x1 is prose about plot/theme/subject x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4 
viliti    protein   x1 is a quantity of protein/albumin of type x2 composed of amino acids (sequence/jo'u) 
uluvi    protest   x1 protests/objects to/complains about x2 (event/state) to audience x3 with action x4 
ataku    provide   x1 [source] provides/supplies/furnishes x2 [supply/commodity] to x3 [recipient] 
sikulu    pubic   x1 is a/the pubic area/external genitalia [body-part] of x2 
ikalu    public   x1 is public/un-hidden/open/jointly available to/owned by all among community x2 (mass) 
susila    pull   x1 pulls/tugs/draws/drags x2 by handle/at locus x3 
uvava    pulley   x1 is a pulley [tool] for performing action/function x2 rotating on axle x3 
kiku    pump   x1 is a pump/injector [tool/apparatus] pumping/inserting fluid x2 to x3 from x4 by means x5 
pitusa    pungent   x1 is pungent/piquant/peppery/spicy/irritating to sense x2 
tivuvi    punish   x1 (agent) punishes x2 for infraction x3 (event/state/action) with punishment x4 (event/state) 
nusisu    pure   x1 is pure/unadulterated/unmitigated/simple in property x2 (ka) 
sipu    purple   x1 is purple/violet [color adjective] 
anapi    put   x1 (agent) puts/places/sets x2 on/at surface/locus x3 
patuki    quality   x1 has/is characterized by property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka); x2 is manifest in x1 
pika    quantity   x1 is a quantity quantified/measured/enumerated by x2 (quantifier) on scale x3 (si'o) 
ipipi    quantum   x1 is a quantum/ray/elementary particle/smallest measurable increment of property/activity x2 
paku    question   x1 (quoted text) is a question/query about subject x2 by questioner x3 to audience x4 
akiki    quiet   x1 (source) is quiet/silent/[still] at observation point x2 by standard x3 
ititi    quotient   "x1 is a quotient of 'x2/x3' [dividend x2 divided by divisor x3], leaving remainder x4" 
nikupu    radiate   x1 radiates/emits x2 under conditions x3 
tuti    radio   x1 broadcasts/transmits [using radio waves] x2 via station/frequency x3 to [radio] receiver x4 
pala    rain   x1 rains/showers/[precipitates] to x2 from x3; x1 is precipitation [not limited to 'rain'] 
kulu    random   "x1 is random/fortuitous/unpredictable under conditions x2, with probability distribution x3" 
kuta    range   x1 ranges/extends/spans/persists/reaches across/over interval/gap/area/scope/extent/range x2 
nakupa    rare   x1 [member] is rare/unusual/uncommon/atypical in property x2 (ka) among members of x3 (set) 
itaka    ratio   "x1 (me'o, fraction) is a ratio/rate of x2 (quantity) with respect to x3 (quantity), [x2:x3]" 
isuvu    react   x1 reacts/responds/answers with action x2 to stimulus x3 under conditions x4; x1 is responsive 
nivu    read   x1 [agent] reads x2 [text] from surface/document/reading material x3; x1 is a reader 
uvuvi    ready   x1 is ready/prepared for x2 (event) 
atuli    reason   x1 (event/state) is a reason/justification/explanation for/causing/permitting x2 (event/state) 
lukili    reclining   x1 lies/rests/reclines/reposes on x2; x1 is reclining/recumbent/lying on x2 
naka    record   x1 is a record of x2 (data/facts/du'u) about x3 (object/event) preserved in medium x4 
tusunu    recur   x1 (event) is the x3'rd recurrence/repetition of x2 (abstract); x2 happens again in [form] x1 
sata    red   x1 is red/crimson/ruddy [color adjective] 
ipaki    reed   x1 is a oboe/clarinet/saxophone [reed musical instrument] with reed x2 
situ    reference   "x1 is a frame of reference/standard for observing/measuring/determining x2, with/by rules x3" 
usulu    reflect   x1 reflects/mirrors/echoes x2 [object/radiation] to observer/point x3 as x4; x2 bounces on x1 
nanunu    regret   x1 regrets/rues (abstraction) x2; x1 is regretful/rueful/sorry/[remorseful] about x2 
titi    regular   x1 is regular/cyclical/periodic in property (ka)/activity x2 with period/interval x3 
vituka    related   x1 is related to/associated with/akin to x2 by relationship x3 
sinu    relax   x1 relaxes/rests/is at ease in/by doing/being x2 (activity) 
suli    religion   x1 is a religion of believers including x2 sharing common beliefs/practices/tenets including x3 
ilana    rely   x1 relies/depends/counts on/trusts x2 to bring about/ensure/maintain x3 (event/state) 
akuti    remain   x1 remains/stays at/abides/lasts with x2 
kanu    remember   x1 remembers/recalls/recollects fact(s)/memory x2 (du'u) about subject x3 
utavu    remove   x1 removes/subtracts/deducts/takes away x2 from x3 with/leaving result/remnant/remainder x4 
kitavi    repair   x1 repairs/mends/fixes x2 for use x3 
panusa    repeat   x1 [action] repeats/is repeated for a total of x2 (quantity) occurrences 
tunivi    replace   x1 replaces/substitutes for/instead of x2 in circumstance x3; x1 is a replacement/substitute 
ununi    reply   x1 answers/replies to/responds to person/object/event/situation/stimulus x2 with response x3 
nini    represent   x1 represents/is an agent/proxy/stands-in for [absent] x2 in matter(s)/function(s) x3 
lunika    reptile   x1 is a reptile of species/breed x2 
pili    request   x1 requests/asks/petitions/solicits for x2 of/from x3 in manner/form x4 
usisu    responsible   x1 is responsible/accountable for x2 (action/resulting state) to judge/authority x3 
asavu    restaurant   x1 is a restaurant/cafe/diner serving type-of-food x2 to audience x3 
tusi    restrain   x1 is restrained/held [back]/constrained/kept by restraint x2 against x3 (event) 
lupu    result   x1 (action/event/state) is a result/outcome/conclusion of antecedent x2 (event/state/process) 
kuvapa    retain   x1 retains/keeps/holds x2 in its possession 
tanuki    return   x1 (agent) returns x2 to origin/earlier state x3 from x4; x1 moves/gives x2 back to x3 from x4 
uvinu    revenge   x1 takes revenge on/retaliates against x2 (person) for wrong x3 (nu) with vengeance x4 (nu) 
iluta    reverse   x1 [sequence] is in reverse order from x2 [sequence]; x1 (object) is inverted from x2 (object) 
satuvu    reward   x1 (agent) rewards x2 [recipient] for atypical x3 (event/property) with reward/desserts x4 
patanu    rhyme   "x1 rhymes/alliterates with x2 in language/phonetics x3, matching sound correspondence x4 (ka)" 
sakati    rhythm   x1 (sequence/non-text quote) is a rhythm/beat of music/expressive form x2 
livava    ribbon   x1 is a ribbon/tape/strip/band/stripe of material x2 
katili    rice   x1 is a quantity of rice [a type of grain] of strain/cultivar x2 
anusu    rich   x1 is rich/wealthy in goods/possessions/property/aspect x2 
itava    ridicule   x1 ridicules/mocks/scoffs at x2 about x3 (property/event) by doing activity x4 (event) 
tikasa    right   x1 is to the right/right-hand side of x2 which faces/in-frame-of-reference x3 
saka    ring   "x1 is a ring/annulus/torus/circle [shape/form] of material x2, inside diam. x3, outside diam. x4" 
ukunu    rite   "x1 is a rite/ceremony/ritual for purpose/goal x2, by custom/in community x3, with form/rules x4" 
susuka    river   "x1 is a river of land mass x2, draining watershed x3 into x4/terminating at x4" 
kava    road   x1 is a road/highway to x2 from x3 with route x4 (x2/x3 may be unordered) 
tuvi    robe   x1 is a robe/tunic/gown/cloak/dress/[coveralls] [a long/full body garment] of material x2 
uvalu    rock   x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains rock/stone of type/composition x2 from location x3 
ikuvu    rocket   x1 is a rocket [vehicle] propelled by jet expelling x2 carrying payload x3 
papiti    rod   x1 is a rod/pole/staff/stick/cane [shape/form] of material x2 
linaki    roll   x1 rolls/trundles on/against surface x2 rotating on axis/axle x3; x1 is a roller 
sipusa    roof   x1 is a roof/top/ceiling/lid of x2 
avitu    room   x1 is a room of/in structure x2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x3 (mass/jo'u) 
asanu    root   "x1 is a root [body-part] of plant/species x2; [metaphor: immobile, supporting, nourishing]" 
uniti    root word   "x1 is a (Lojban) root word expressing relation x2 among argument roles x3, with affix(es) x4" 
lapu    rose   x1 is a rose [flower - characterized by prickly stem/fragrance] of species/strain x2 
lika    rotten   x1 rots/decays/ferments with decay/fermentation agent x2; x1 is rotten/decayed/fermented 
tikunu    rough   x1 is rough/coarse/uneven/[grainy/scabrous/rugged] in texture/regularity 
sitivu    route   x1 is a route/path/way/course/track to x2 from x3 via/defined by points including x4 (set) 
nuni    rubber   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of rubber/latex from source x2 of composition including x3 
vani    rule   x1 is a rule prescribing/mandating/requiring x2 (event/state) within system/community x3 
ikina    run   x1 runs on surface x2 using limbs x3 with gait x4 
pusini    rural   x1 is a rural/rustic/pastoral area of x2; x1 is in the country 
suluvu    rye   x1 is a quantity of rye [grain] of species/strain x2 
kalipi    sack   "x1 is a sack/bag with contents x2, and of material x3" 
kaliti    sad   x1 is sad/depressed/dejected/[unhappy/feels sorrow/grief] about x2 (abstraction) 
sapanu    sail   x1 is a sail for gathering propelling material x2 on vehicle/motor x3 
vasava    salad   x1 (mass) is a quantity of salad [food] with ingredients/components including x2 
usupa    salt   "x1 is a portion/quantity of salt from source x2, of composition including x3" 
avuki    same   x1 is the same/identical thing as x2 by standard x3; (x1 and x2 interchangeable) 
itavi    sand   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of sand/grit from source x2 of composition including x3 
kukasu    sandwich   x1 is a sandwich/layering [not restricted to food] of x2 sandwiched between x3 
nalisa    sane   x1 (action/activity/behavior) is sane/rational by standard x2 
kupu    satellite   "x1 is a satellite/moon orbiting x2 with characteristics x3, orbital parameters x4" 
ululu    satisfy   x1 satisfies evaluator x2 in property (ka)/state x3 
tukapi    sauce   "x1 is a sauce/topping/gravy/frosting for use with x2, containing ingredient(s) including x3" 
pusavi    scale   x1 (si'o) is a scale of units for measuring/observing/determining x2 (state) 
univa    school   x1 is school/institute/academy at x2 teaching subject(s) x3 to audien./commun. x4 operated by x5 
kipulu    science   x1 (mass of facts) is science of/about subject matter x2 based on methodology x3 
apuvu    scrape   x1 blade/scraper/erosive scrapes/erodes/abrades x2 from x3 
ikisi    scratch   x1 [abrasive/cutting/scratching object/implement] scratches/[carves]/erodes/cuts [into] x2 
puki    screw   "x1 is a screw [fastener] for purpose x2, threads [pitch, material] x3, frame [size, material] x4" 
vitita    sea   "x1 is a sea/ocean/gulf/[atmosphere] of planet x2, of fluid x3; (adjective:) x1 is marine" 
puti    season   "x1 is a season/is seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3" 
atuki    seasoning   x1 is a seasoning/condiment/spice causing flavor/effect x2 (event/property) 
sunili    second   x1 is x2 seconds in duration (default is 1 second) by standard x3 
vini    secret   x1 keeps x2 secret/hidden from x3 by method x4; x2 is a secret; x1 hides/conceals x2 
sikusa    secure   x1 is secure/safe from threat x2 (event) 
akula    see   x1 sees/views/perceives visually x2 under conditions x3 
vivi    seed   x1(s) is/are (a) seed(s)/spore(s) [body-part] of organism x2 for producing offspring x3 
ipivi    seek   x1 seeks/searches/looks for property x2 among set x3 (complete specification of set) 
vapa    seem   x1 seems/appears to have property(ies) x2 to observer x3 under conditions x4 
livupi    self   x1 is a self/ego/id/identity-image of x2 
lupuna    sell   x1 [seller] sells/vends x2 [goods/service/commodity] to buyer x3 for amount/cost/expense x4 
ipatu    sense   x1 [observer] senses/detects/notices stimulus property x2 (ka) by means x3 under conditions x4 
kivitu    sentence   x1 (text) is a sentence/statement about x2 [topic/subject/predicate/focus] in language x3 
paki    sequence   x1 [ordered set] is sequenced/ordered/listed by comparison/rules x2 on unordered set x3 
nanisa    serious   x1 (person) is serious/earnest/has gravity about x2 (event/state/activity) 
ilisu    serve   x1 (agent) serves x2 with service x3 (activity); x1 is a servant (noun) of x2 performing x3 
viniti    severe   x1 (event/action/state) is severe/harsh to x2 [victim/experiencer] 
natu    sew   "x1 sews/stitches/sutures materials x2 (ind./set) together with tool(s) x3, using filament x4" 
pitu    sexual   x1 in activity/state x2 exhibits sexuality/gender/sexual orientation x3 (ka) by standard x4 
apita    shadow   "x1 is a shadow/the shade of object x2, made by light/energy source x3" 
asilu    shake   x1 shakes/quakes/trembles/quivers/shudders/wobbles/vibrates from force x2 
vatipi    shallow   x1 is shallow in extent in direction/property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4 
visa    shallow   x1 is shallow in extent in direction/property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4 
luka    shape   x1 [ideal] is the conceptual shape/form of object/abstraction/manifestation x2 (object/abstract) 
nipuvu    sharp   x1 is sharp/keen at locus x2 
kipu    shears   x1 is a pair of shears/scissors for cutting x2 
papini    sheet   x1 is a sheet/foil/blanket [2-dimensional shape/form flexible in 3 dimensions] of material x2 
sivuva    shelf   "x1 is a shelf/counter/bar in/on/attached to supporting object x2, for purpose x3" 
valani    shell   "x1 is a shell/husk [hard, protective covering] around x2 composed of x3" 
lusisi    shelter   x1 is a shelter/haven/refuge/retreat/harbor for/protecting x2 from danger/threat x3 
sakanu    shirt   "x1 is a shirt/blouse/top [upper-body garment - not necessarily sleeved or buttoned], material x2" 
supivu    shoal   x1 is a shoal [shallow hazard]/reef of material x2 in body of water x3 
avita    shock   x1 (event) shocks/stuns x2 
kativi    shoe   "x1 is a shoe/boot/sandal for covering/protecting [feet/hooves] x2, and of material x3" 
sika    short   x1 is short in dimension/direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3 
kivata    shoulder   x1 is a/the shoulder/hip/joint [body-part] attaching limb/extremity x2 to body x3 
akasi    shove   x1 [agent] shoves/pushes x2 at locus x3 
itani    shovel   x1 is a shovel/spade [bladed digging implement] for digging x2 
alata    show   x1 (agent) shows/exhibits/displays/[reveals]/demonstrates x2 (property) to audience x3 
tilipa    sibling   x1 is a sibling of x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3 
asiti    side   x1 is to the side of/lateral to x2 and facing x3 from point of view/in-frame-of-reference x4 
usini    sign   x1 is a sign/symbol/signal representing/referring/signifying/meaning x2 to observer x3 
uvitu    silk   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of silk produced by x2 
pisi    silver   "x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of silver/argentum (Ag); [metaphor: valuable, tarnishing]" 
sanusa    similar   x1 is similar/parallel to x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni); x1 looks/appears like x2 
kuvuta    simple   x1 is simple/unmixed/uncomplicated in property x2 (ka) 
lipili    sing   x1 sings/chants x2 [song/hymn/melody/melodic sounds] to audience x3 
ivuvi    sister   x1 is a sister of/sororal to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necessarily biological] 
ivisu    sit   x1 sits [assumes sitting position] on surface x2 
lipina    site   x1 is an inherent/inalienable site/place/position/situation/spot/location of x2 (object/event) 
ilala    situation   x1 [state/property] is a situation/condition/state/position/are conditions/circumstances of x2 
vunasu    ski   x1 is a ski/skid/skate/runner for surface (of material) x2 supporting skier/skater/sled/cargo x3 
vulatu    skirt   x1 is a skirt/kilt/dress of material x2; x1 is skirted [garment open at the bottom; not legged] 
kinunu    sky   x1 is an expanse of sky/the heavens at place x2; [celestial] 
akasu    sleep   x1 is asleep (adjective); x1 sleeps/is sleeping 
vulivu    slice   x1 is a slice [thin flat portion] of x2 (mass) 
usuti    slide   x1 slides/slips/glides on x2 
nusatu    slope   x1 is sloped/inclined/slanted/aslant with angle x2 to horizon/frame x3 
inalu    slow   x1 is slow/sluggish at doing/being/bringing about x2 (event/state) 
usula    small   x1 is small in property/dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm x3 
ilina    smell   x1 (experiencer) smells/scents (transitive verb) x2; x2 smells/has odor/scent to observer x1 
isupa    smile   x1 smiles/grins (facial expression) 
nivasa    smoke   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of smoke/smog/air pollution from source x2 
sukinu    smooth   x1 is smooth/even/[soft/silky] in texture/regularity 
taki    snake   x1 is a snake/serpent of species/breed x2 
ipuvu    sneeze   x1 sneezes (intransitive verb) 
utatu    snow   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity/expanse of snow 
lavitu    snug   x1 is snug/tight on x2 in dimension/direction x3 at locus x4 
savani    soak up   x1 soaks up/absorbs/sucks up x2 from x3 into x4; x1 is an absorbant 
vusu    soap   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of soap from source x2 of composition including x3 
vana    socialize   x1 interacts/behaves socially with x2; x1 socializes with/is sociable towards x2 
visu    sock   x1 is a sock/stocking [flexible foot and lower leg garment] of material x2 
tulapi    soda   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of a carbonated beverage/soda of flavor/brand x2 
uvuvu    sodium   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of alkali metal of type x2 [default sodium] 
vapi    sofa   x1 is a sofa/couch (noun) 
kilava    soft   x1 is soft/malleable/moldable/yielding to force x2 in conditions x3 
pisitu    solar   x1 is the sun of home planet x2 (default Earth) of race x3; (adjective:) x1 is solar 
nuti    soldier   x1 is a soldier/warrior/fighter of army x2 
nasuni    solid   "x1 is solid, of composition/material including x2, under conditions x3" 
naluva    son   x1 is a son of mother/father/parents x2 [not necessarily biological] 
valutu    sound   x1 is sound produced/emitted by x2 
napivu    soup   x1 is a quantity of soup/stew/olla/olio [food] of ingredients including x2 
ilipi    sour   x1 is sour/tart to observer x2 
tutila    source   x1 (site/event) is a source/start/beginning/origin of x2 (object/event/process) 
sukapu    south   x1 is to the south/southern side of x2 according to frame of reference x3 
lani    sow   x1 sows/plants x2 [crop/plants] at/in x3 
kukunu    soya   x1 is a quantity of soya [grain/bean] of species/strain x2 
uvatu    space   x1 is space/volume/region/room [at-least-3-dimensional area] occupied by x2 
tisu    species   "x1 is a species of genus x2, family x3, etc.; [open-ended tree-structure categorization]" 
isiva    specific   x1 (ka) is specific/particular/specialized/[special]/a defining property of x2 among x3 (set) 
kasavi    spider   x1 is a spider/arachnid/[crustacean/crab/lobster/non-insect arthropod] of species/breed x2 
vupata    spiral   "x1 is a spiral/helix/whorl/[vortex] [shape/form] with limits x2, of dimensionality x3" 
akipa    spirit   x1 is spiritual/pertains to the soul in nature [either energy or being]; x1 is ghostly/ethereal 
ukanu    spit   x1 spits/expectorates x2 [predominantly liquid] from x3 to/onto x4 
uvila    sponge   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of sponge/porous material 
lati    spoon   "x1 is a spoon/scoop (tool) for use x2, made of material x3" 
kavuli    spread   x1 spreads/expands over/into x2 from initial state x3 
liputi    spring   x1 is spring/springtime [warming season] of year x2 at location x3; (adjective:) x1 is vernal 
ivuti    square   "x1 is a right-angled shape/form defined by set of vertices x2, dimensions x3 (default 2)" 
uninu    stage   "x1 is a stage/platform/dais/[scaffold] at/in x2 supporting x3, made of material x4" 
vala    stairs   x1 are stairs/stairway/steps for climbing structure x2 with steps x3 
nalavi    stalk   x1 is a/the stalk/stem/trunk [body-part] of plant/species x2; [metaphor: main support] 
sutiku    stand   x1 stands [is vertically oriented] on surface x2 supported by limbs/support/pedestal x3 
kanini    star   x1 is a star/sun with stellar properties x2 
akika    starch   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of starch from source x2 of composition including x3 
savi    station   x1 is a station/node of/in/on transport/communication/distribution system/network x2 
asala    steel   x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains steel of composition including x2 
piki    step   x1 steps/treads on/in surface x2 using limbs x3 
vasi    sticky   x1 adheres/sticks to x2; (adjective:) x1 is sticky/gummy/adhesive 
ukuvi    stiff   x1 is stiff/rigid/inflexible/resistant in direction x2 against force x3 under conditions x4 
ulisi    stir   "x1 (object, or event: force) stirs/mixes/[roils/agitates] fluid (gas/liquid) x2" 
utivi    store   x1 is a store/deposit/supply/reserve of materials/energy x2 in containment x3 
nunuki    story   x1 is a story/tale/yarn/narrative about plot/subject/moral x2 by storyteller x3 to audience x4 
kiniti    straight   x1 is straight/direct/line segment/interval between x2 and x3; (adjective:) x1 is linear 
tiputa    strange   x1 is strange/weird/deviant/bizarre/odd to x2 in property x3 (ka) 
kiti    street   x1 is a street/avenue/lane/drive/cul-de-sac/way/alley/[road] at x2 accessing x3 
inavu    stretch   x1 stretches/extends to range x2 [interval/extent] in dimension x3 from relaxed range x4 
kulusa    stroke   x1 (agent) strokes/rubs/pets x2 with x3 
atutu    strong   x1 is strong/powerful/[tough] in property/quality x2 (ka) by standard x3 
aliki    structure   x1 is a structure/arrangement/organization of x2 [set/system/complexity] 
itita    stubborn   x1 is stubborn/willfully opposing/resisting x2 about x3 (event/state) 
ipati    study   x1 studies/is a student of x2; x1 is a scholar; (adjective:) x1 is scholarly 
uvani    suburb   x1 is a suburban area of city/metropolis x2 
litu    succeed   x1 [agent] succeeds in/achieves/completes/accomplishes x2 as a result of effort/attempt/try x3 
nupuka    suck   x1 sucks/is suction/vacuum/relatively low pressure of fluid/gas x2 relative to high pressure x3 
pikuta    sudden   x1 (event/state) is sudden/sharply changes at stage/point x2 in process/property/function x3 
tunuta    suffice   x1 (object) suffices/is enough/sufficient for purpose x2 under conditions x3 
suka    sugar   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of sugar [sweet edible] from source x2 of composition x3 
akila    suggest   x1 (agent) suggests/proposes idea/action x2 to audience x3; x1 (event) inspires x2 in/among x3 
tini    sulfur   "x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of sulfur/brimstone (S); [metaphor: foul odor, volcanic]" 
visila    sum   x1 is a mathematical sum/result/total of x2 plus/increased by x3 
kuvasa    summer   x1 is summer/summertime [hot season] of year x2 at location x3 
utili    superlative   "x1 is superlative in property x2 (ka), the x3 extreme (ka; default ka zmadu) among set/range x4" 
utuki    support   x1 supports/holds up/is underpinning of/[helps] x2 against force/opposition x3 with/by means x4 
ivavu    surface   "x1 is surface/face [bounded shape/form] of [higher-dimension] object x2, on side x3, edges x4" 
kakipu    surprise   x1 (event/action abstract) surprises/startles/is unexpected [and generally sudden] to x2 
napisu    surround   x1 encircles/encloses/is surrounding x2 in direction(s)/dimension(s)/plane x3 
lapi    survive   x1 survives/endures/undergoes/abides/lasts/persists through x2 for interval/duration x3 
ikivu    swallow   x1 gulps/swallows 
anapa    sweat   "x1 is a/the sweat/perspiration from body x2, excreted by gland(s)/organs x3" 
iviva    sweet   x1 is sweet/sugary/saccharine to observer x2 
sikaka    swelling   "x1 is a swelling/protrusion/convexity [shape/form] at/in/on x2, of material x3" 
vipasi    swim   x1 (agent) swims in fluid x2 
aniki    syllable   x1 is a syllable in language x2 
kisusi    system   x1 (mass) system interrelated by structure x2 among components x3 (set) displaying x4 (ka) 
nuka    table   "x1 is a table/flat solid upper surface of material x2, supported by legs/base/pedestal x3" 
avala    tail   "x1 is a/the tail/appendix [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: trailing, following portion/appendage]" 
nulupu    take   x1 takes/gets/gains/obtains/seizes/[removes] x2 (object/property) from x3 (possessor) 
nupaka    take care of   x1 takes-care-of/looks after/attends to/provides for/is caretaker for x2 (object/event/person) 
lilika    talent   x1 has a talent/aptitude/innate skill for doing/being x2 
apunu    talk   x1 talks/speaks to x2 about subject x3 in language x4 
visuva    tar   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of tar/asphalt from source x2 
unaku    taste   x1 (ka) is a taste/flavor of/emitted by x2; x2 tastes of/like x1 
kalu    taut   x1 is taut/tense/strained tight in direction x2 
lanipa    tax   x1 is a tax/levy/duty on goods/services/event x2 levied against x3 by authority/collector x4 
kula    tea   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of tea brewed from leaves x2 
upunu    teach   x1 teaches audience x2 ideas/methods/lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event) 
talivu    telephone   x1 is a telephone transceiver/modem attached to system/network x2 
upula    television   x1 broadcasts/televises programming x2 via medium/channel x3 to television receiver x4 
tuta    temple   x1 is a temple/church/sanctuary/synagogue/shrine of religion x2 at location/serving area x3 
alapu    temporary   x1 is temporary/not permanent/expected to change in property x2 (ka) by standard/expectant x3 
pututa    territory   x1 is territory/domain/space of/belonging to/controlled by x2 
luvivu    test   x1 (process/event) is a test for/proof of property/state x2 in subject x3 (individ./set/mass) 
utika    texture   x1 (property-ka) is a texture of x2 
upipu    thick   x1 is thick in dimension/direction x2 by standard x3; [relatively long in smallest dimension] 
apipi    thin   x1 is thin in direction/dimension x2 by standard x3; [relatively short in smallest dimension] 
iliti    think   x1 thinks/considers/cogitates/reasons/is pensive about/reflects upon subject/concept x2 
ipilu    thirst   x1 thirsts for x2; x1 needs/wants drink/fluid/lubrication x2 
isuni    throat   x1 is a/the throat/gullet [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: narrow(ing) opening of a deep hole] 
apisi    throw   x1 throws/launches/casts/hurls x2 to/at/in direction x3 (propulsion derives internally to x1) 
ikipa    thumb   x1 is a/the thumb/big toe [body-part] on limb x2 of x3; [metaphor based on relative shape] 
tupana    ticket   x1 is a ticket entitling x2 to entitlement/privilege x3 (event/state) under conditions x4 
supavu    tide   x1 is a tide [cyclical/periodic expansion] in x2 caused by x3 
pali    tiger   x1 is a tiger/leopard/jaguar/[tigress] of species/breed x2 with coat markings x3 
savasa    tile   "x1 is a tile/cake [shape/form] of material x2, shape x3, thickness x4" 
sanali    time   x1 is the time-duration/interval/period/[elapsed time] from time/event x2 to time/event x3 
inupi    time of day   "x1 [hours, {minutes}, {seconds}] is the time/hour of state/event x2 on day x3 at location x4" 
italu    tin   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of tin (Sn); [metaphor: cheap or base metal] 
satusa    tip   x1 is a tip/point/vertex/extremity/end [0-dimension shape/form] on object x2 at locus x3 
ivisi    tired   x1 is tired/fatigued by effort/situation x2 (event); x1 needs/wants rest 
ipupi    tobacco   x1 is a quantity of tobacco [leaf] of species/strain x2 
nuva    tomato   x1 is a tomato [fruit/vegetable/plant] of species/strain x2 
sipipa    tone   x1 is a tone/note of frequency/pitch x2 from source x3 
vasa    tongs   x1 is a/are tong(s)/chopsticks/pincers/tweezers/pliers [tool/body-part] for x2 to pinch x3 
kivapi    tongue   "x1 is a/the tongue [body-part] of x2; (metaphor: similar to nazbi, tamji, degji)" 
ivini    tool   x1 is a tool/utensil/resource/instrument/implement used for doing x2; [form determines function] 
kisutu    tooth   x1 is a/the tooth [body-part] of x2; (adjective:) x1 is dental 
titusa    touch   x1 (agent) touches x2 with x3 [a locus on x1 or an instrument] at x4 [a locus on x2] 
pati    tragedy   x1 is a tragedy/disaster/tragic for x2 
latulu    train   "x1 is a train [vehicle] of cars/units x2 (mass) for rails/system/railroad x3, propelled by x4" 
vasila    transfer   x1 transfers/sends/transmits x2 to receiver x3 from transmitter/origin x4 via means/medium x5 
vavuki    translate   x1 translates text/utterance x2 to language x3 from language x4 with translation result x5 
nisi    travel   x1 travels/journeys/goes/moves via route x2 using means/vehicle x3; x1 is a traveller 
tulavu    tray   "x1 is a tray/platter/flat container [pan/sheet/griddle] of contents x2, and made of material x3" 
avupu    trouble   x1 (object/person/event/situation) troubles/disturbs x2 (person) causing problem(s) x3 
tava    trumpet   x1 is a horn/trumpet/trombone/bugle [brass-wind/lip-reed musical instrument] 
naku    truth   x1 (du'u) is true/truth by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2 
nuku    try   x1 tries/attempts/makes an effort to do/attain x2 (event/state/property) by actions/method x3 
valuka    tube   "x1 is a length of tubing/pipe/hollow cylinder [shape/form] of material x2, hollow of material x3" 
pusali    tulip   x1 is a tulip (defined by flower shape) of species/strain x2 
navatu    turn   x1 turns/rotates/revolves around axis x2 in direction x3 
susinu    twist   x1 twists under load/force/torsion x2 
tivi    umbrella   "x1 is an umbrella/parasol shielding x2 from x3, made of material x4, supported by x5" 
usapa    understand   x1 understands/comprehends fact/truth x2 (du'u) about subject x3; x1 understands (fi) x3 
susisi    uniform   x1 (object/event) is uniform/homogeneous in property x2 (ka) 
ukuni    unit   x1 [magnitude] is a unit/degree of/on scale/reference standard x2 (si'o) measuring property x3 
laku    universe   x1 is a universe/cosmos [complete and ordered entirety] of domain/sphere x2 defined by rules x3 
ikana    upon   x1 is upon/atop/resting on/lying on [the upper surface of] x2 in frame of reference/gravity x3 
kanisu    urine   x1 is a/the urine/piss/pee of x2 
avusu    use   "x1 uses/employs x2 [tool, apparatus, machine, agent, acting entity, material] for purpose x3" 
nupini    use up   x1 (event) uses up/depletes/consumes/[wastes] x2 [resource] 
anuka    utter   x1 utters verbally/says/phonates/speaks [vocally makes sound] x2 
puvu    vaccine   x1 is a vaccine/immune-system stimulant protecting x2 against disease x3 introduced by method x4 
pipu    value   x1 (ni) is the equivalent value/worth of x2 [item(s) of value] to x3 for use/appreciation x4 
salilu    vanish   x1 vanishes/disappears from location x2; x1 ceases to be observed at x2 using senses/sensor x3 
kala    vary   x1 varies/changes in property/quantity x2 (ka/ni) in amount/degree x3 under conditions x4 
sunuta    vegetable   x1 is the edible x2 portion of plant x3; x1 is a vegetable 
ukini    vehicle   "x1 is a vehicle/mode of transport carrying x2 in/on surface/medium x3, propelled by x4" 
putaka    vertical   x1 is vertical/upright/erect/plumb/oriented straight up and down in reference frame/gravity x2 
ulutu    video   x1 is a video monitor/CRT/screen [machine] serving function x2 
vupu    view   x1 is the view/scene/panorama/sight/prospect of x2 (object/location) from point-of-view x3 
inava    violent   x1 is an event/state/act of violence 
vuviku    virtue   x1 is virtuous/saintly/[fine/moral/nice/holy/morally good] by standard x2 
ununa    virus   x1 is a virus of species/breed/defining property x2 capable of infecting [at] x3 
ikuti    viscous   x1 is thick/viscous under conditions x2 
vilipi    voice   x1 is a voice/speech sound of individual x2 
tukipa    vomit   x1 vomits/regurgitates x2; x1 throws x2 up; [violent] digestive expulsion 
vilutu    vulva   x1 is a/the vulva [body-part] of x2 
kila    wait   x1 awaits/waits/pauses for/until x2 at state x3 before starting/continuing x4 (activity/process) 
tana    walk   x1 walks/strides/paces on surface x2 using limbs x3 
tuni    wall   x1 is a wall/fence separating x2 and x3 (unordered) of/in structure x4 
kiviku    war   x1 (person/mass) wars against x2 over territory/matter x3; x1 is at war with x2 
inisu    warn   x1 (event/experience) warns/cautions x2 (person) of/about danger x3 (event/state/property) 
sapavi    wash   x1 (agent) washes/cleanses x2 of soil/contaminant x3 in/with cleaning material(s) x4 
alisi    waste   x1(s) is/are waste product(s) [left to waste] by x2 (event/activity) 
nalasi    water   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity/expanse of water; (adjective:) x1 is aqueous/[aquatic] 
pasupa    wave   "x1 is a wave [periodic pattern] in medium x2, wave-form x3, wave-length x4, frequency x5" 
kunusi    wax   x1 is quantity of wax [substance especially soft/moldable when warm] from source x2 
pita    weak   x1 is weak/feeble/frail in property/quality/aspect x2 (ka) by standard x3 
nitu    weapon   x1 is a weapon/arms for use against x2 by x3 
tunaka    wear   x1 wears/is robed/garbed in x2 as a garment of type x3 
pupasu    weather   x1 is weather at place/region x2; (adjective:) x1 is meteorological 
vusuli    weave   x1 weaves x2 from material/[yarn] x3 
vikiva    wedge   x1 is a wedge [shape/form/tool] of material x2 
vipupu    week   x1 is x2 weeks in duration (default is 1 week) by standard x3 
suvipu    weep   x1 weeps/cries tears x2 about/for reason x3 (event/state) 
pasinu    weight   x1 is the weight of object x2 in [gravitational or other force] field x3 
apuni    well   x1 is a well/spring of fluid x2 at location x3 
atita    west   x1 is to the west/western side of x2 according to frame of reference x3 
vupa    wheat   x1 is a quantity of wheat [grain] of species/strain x2 
tapipu    wheel   "x1 is a wheel [tool] of device/vehicle x2, made of materials/having properties x3" 
lava    whip   x1 whips/lashes/snaps [a sudden violent motion] 
suvaki    whistle   x1 [sound source] whistles/makes whistling sound/note/tone/melody x2 
avapa    white   x1 is white/very-light colored [color adjective] 
palunu    wild   (adjective:) x1 is wild/untamed 
sitita    win   x1 (person/team) wins/gains prize x2 from/over x3 [competitors/losers] in competition x4 
apiti    window   x1 is a window/portal/opening [portal] in wall/building/structure x2 
luli    wine   x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of wine from fruit/grapes x2 
uvasa    wing   x1 is a/the wing [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: lateral supporting surface] 
supasu    winter   x1 is winter/wintertime [cold season] of year x2 at location x3 
inuvi    wise   x1 is wise/sage about matter x2 (abstraction) to observer x3 
nutuku    with   "x1 is with/accompanies/is a companion of x2, in state/condition/enterprise x3 (event/state)" 
ikusa    without   x1 is without/lacking/free of/lacks x2; x1 is x2-less 
kusipi    wolf   x1 is a wolf/lupine of species/breed x2 
uluku    woman   x1 is a woman/women; x1 is a female humanoid person [not necessarily adult] 
kivi    womb   "x1 is a/the womb/uterus [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: nourishing, protective, giving birth]" 
sivipa    wonder   x1 feels wonder/awe/marvels about x2 
kivu    wood   x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains wood/lumber from tree(s) of type/species x2 
sapu    wool   x1 is a quantity of/made from/consists of wool [tight curly hair] from animal/species/source x2 
susalu    word   x1 is a word meaning/causing x2 in language x3; (adjective: x1 is lexical/verbal) 
natavi    work   x1 [person] labors/works on/at x2 [activity] with goal/objective x3 
vapipa    worm   x1 is a worm/invertebrate animal of species/breed x2 
sanuvu    wrinkle   x1 is a wrinkle/crease/fold [shape/form] in x2 
ipusi    write   x1 inscribes/writes x2 on display/storage medium x3 with writing implement x4; x1 is a scribe 
utapi    year   x1 is x2 years in duration (default is 1 year) by standard x3; (adjective:) x1 is annual 
latava    yellow   x1 is yellow/golden [color adjective] 
tuli    yield   x1 yields/gives way/surrenders to x2 (force/agent) under conditions x3 
sisulu    young   x1 is young/youthful [relatively short in elapsed duration] by standard x2 
kisani    zinc   x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of zinc (Zn); [metaphor: hard metal] 

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