Draft Note for Comments Nr. 2302.0, CLaKIS, CL-KIITA.
Author. Haruka Sato. 著者名
Editor. ditto. 編集者名
Title.JA. DNCメタ文書仕様. 日本語題
Title.EN. Specification of DNC Meta Document. 英語題
Draft Note for Comments Nr. 2302.0, CLaKIS, CL-KIITA.
Author. Haruka Sato. 著者名
Editor. ditto. 編集者名
Title.JA. DNCメタ文書仕様. 日本語題
Title.EN. Specification of DNC Meta Document. 英語題
なうなめ -
Eihab Nothlazahl -
渡久地 信之 -
Xirdim -
Once suspended, halka_ffez will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed.
Once unsuspended, halka_ffez will be able to comment and publish posts again.
Once unpublished, all posts by halka_ffez will become hidden and only accessible to themselves.
If halka_ffez is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard.
Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to 佐藤陽花.
They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended.
Thanks for keeping Migdal safe. Here is what you can do to flag halka_ffez:
Unflagging halka_ffez will restore default visibility to their posts.
現在CLaKIS DNC 2302.1執筆中です