We acknowledge that we established Conlang Knowledge Informatics and Information Technology Association, and declare that we hereby are carrying out the activities. The aim is to contribute to the sustainable development of our community, in this conlang community in which we operate, by:
- sharing our knowledge and information,
- contributing with our information technology,
- promoting and implementing the sharing and preservation of its assets.
We believe that, in order to ensure the uninterrupted development and progress of activities related to conlangs, all individuals and groups working with conlangs should be able to obtain more knowledge and information and to make easier use of existing assets in their efforts, and that the wisdom generated in the past and in the future should continue to be preserved without being lost.
The association confirms that it does not unreasonably coerce or restrict the production or other activities of any individual or group. The association cooperates with and relays a greater number of individuals and groups involved in conlangs, and provides a forum for their coming together and collaboration.
We will do our utmost to achieve these ideals and aims, hoping for a more vibrant and prosperous development of conlangs.
30 Dec. 2021
CL-KIITA Conlang Knowledge Informatics and Information Technology Association
General Chief Haruka Sato
All Staffs
あと、次の文でThe aims is...となっていますがaims are/aim isのどちらかだと思います。文脈を見ると単数形がいいように思われますが…
The aims is事案はin this conlang communityを現在の場所に移動してきたときに修正漏れした部分ですね。正しくは単数形です。(修正しておきます
なるほど。その場合、人間主語でvalidateを使うと、「この言葉によって(今)有効になった」という意味になると思いますが正しいですか?設立があったという事実を確かめた、という場合はたぶんacknowledge the establishment of...あたりではないかと思います(文脈次第ですが)