
Sarah Weaver
Sarah Weaver

Posted on

Word Genders 単語の性別

Word have their default gender but also the gender changes based on the gender of the speaker except when plural.


Le - the masculine 男性的
La - the feminine フェミニン
Lez - the plural 複数
Un - a masculine 男性的
Une - a feminine フェミニン
dez, du - a plural 複数

Top comments (3)

lwflouisa profile image
Sarah Weaver

I didn't think to make this part of a series!

a_i profile image

Do you perhaps mean you want to un-associate all from the series?

lwflouisa profile image
Sarah Weaver

Na, associate them all together. I have two different versions of the same language, so I thought it was nice I could associate them with a series.