Tomohiro Nakano/Tormis Narno
Creator of the Firraksnarre Legendarium and its spinoff film series. MA student in Celtic historical linguistics at the University of Tokyo.
Film 'Between the Two Worlds'
The Heroes' Verse in Proto-Ethúlic and Artíjihàk, First Stanza
The Heroes' Verse in Proto-Ethúlic and Artíjihàk, First Stanza
言語不明 •
約 100 字/語
The Fundamentals of Proto-Ethúlic Grammar [Nominal Morphology]
The Fundamentals of Proto-Ethúlic Grammar [Nominal Morphology]
言語不明 •
約 200 字/語
The Fundamentals of Proto-Ethúlic Grammar [Phonology]
The Fundamentals of Proto-Ethúlic Grammar [Phonology]
言語不明 •
約 300 字/語
Relative Chronology of Varokeřim Sound Changes
Relative Chronology of Varokeřim Sound Changes
言語不明 •
約 100 字/語
Derivation of a Few Ethúlic Verbs
Derivation of a Few Ethúlic Verbs
言語不明 •
約 100 字/語
Sketch of Proto-Ethúlic Verbs
Sketch of Proto-Ethúlic Verbs
英語 •
約 100 字/語
[Poem] The Sound
[Poem] The Sound
言語不明 •
約 200 字/語
A List of Principal Language Families of Firraksnarre
A List of Principal Language Families of Firraksnarre
英語 •
約 100 字/語
A Proposal for the Usage of the Terms 'Conlangology' and 'Ludolinguistics'
A Proposal for the Usage of the Terms 'Conlangology' and 'Ludolinguistics'
イギリス英語 •
約 700 字/語
[Poem] A Lament for An-Sarad
[Poem] A Lament for An-Sarad
複数言語 •
約 100 字/語
[Poem/Song] A Peaceful Day
[Poem/Song] A Peaceful Day
複数言語 •
約 500 字/語
[Poem] Questions for the Wind
[Poem] Questions for the Wind
複数言語 •
約 200 字/語
[Poem] A Plea to Tiziar
[Poem] A Plea to Tiziar
複数言語 •
約 400 字/語
General principles for the pronunciation of the languages of Firraksnarre
General principles for the pronunciation of the languages of Firraksnarre
イギリス英語 •
約 200 字/語
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